One of the things that has always been, since a long time ago, one of the biggest concerns for parents, is related to their children. It is possible to notice that many families have 'financial security' as a priority, as a good investment it can transform a child's future and also provide support as they begin their adult lives. Proof of this is the number of accounts on the stock exchange that were registered in the name of people under 15, which increased by 792% from January 2019 to August 2022.
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It is also worth noting that the private pension has been an option when deciding which investment to choose. It is a product of the financial area that aims to carry out a long-term project, such as, for example, retirement, a course or perhaps even a dream trip. This is what Fábio Araújo, an insurance broker and financial consultant, who works at Novacapu, a brokerage service, explains.
“If it is of interest, the beneficiary can continue to make the monthly payments normally when he reaches the age of majority. This capital will be profitable and over time, taking advantage of compound interest, this amount may allow the holder retires with a handsome retirement, much earlier than the conventional age which is 65 years for men and 60 for women. women", it says.
Now returning to talking about investments, it is possible to invest money from R$ 100.00, and sporadic contributions from R$ 50.00 can also be made. There is still no age limit to be enjoying the pension. “When turning 18, it is common for teenagers to want to make some of their dreams come true, whether it be own car, a trip with friends, an exchange program, buying a property or even setting up a business. With this capital accumulated over the years, the family will be able to dispose of this amount without compromising the family budget”, completes Araújo.
He also gives examples like this: “Private pension is the accumulation of income for future projects, such as reinforcement for official retirement, acquisition of a good or any other project”. The use of private pension is something common and also widely used in the market today. Even though this product is well known for providing a way to complement INSS retirement, it can also help when it comes to accumulating capital for some other purpose.
“And the purpose of offering this product to children is the safety that revolves around the product, as well as, if it is done correctly, the incidence of income tax can be reduced. much lower than some other more conventional investments, even allowing, depending on the capital, to be withdrawn at the age of 18 without the incidence of Income Tax, which is quite advantageous", concludes Fábio Araújo.
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