O Brazil Aid, former Bolsa Família, is the benefit that has been helping thousands of Brazilians in need and who are in a delicate situation. With that in mind, we decided to bring you information about the transfer of the benefit that will take place now in September. Check out the full article to learn more about the September calendar for the month of Auxiílio Brasil.
Read more: Brazil Aid: find out how to find out if it was approved
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August is being one of the first months in which the new Auxílio Brasil amounts are being paid. Given this, many Brazilians have already received the values of their respective benefits. In addition to the Auxílio Brasil, benefits for taxi drivers and truck drivers are also being paid.
The last transfers were paid until the 22nd of August. However, it is worth mentioning that the payment was advanced by the Federal Government. For those who have doubts, the amounts are usually transferred in the second half of each month and last until the end of the month.
The question that remains is whether the transfer for the month of September would also be advanced like the one for the current month, but there are still no official answers to indicate this. The only certainty is that approximately 20 million Brazilians will benefit from the aid by the end of the year.
In addition, another important point is to know who is entitled to receive the Brazil Aid. Brazilians who are in extreme poverty, where the family income is up to R$ 105 per member, may receive payments; or are in a situation of poverty, in which the income of each member must be up to R$ 210. However, it is necessary that among its members there is a pregnant woman, nursing mother or individual with incomplete 21 years old (maximum).