You chloroplastsare a kind of plastid unique to photosynthetic organisms and that stores chlorophyll, the pigment that absorbs and stores light energy to be used in photosynthesis.
We prepared a list of exercises on chloroplasts so that you can test your knowledge about the organelle responsible for photosynthesis.
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You can consult the template and save this list of exercises in PDF at the end of the post, enjoy!
1) (FUVEST) Cells of certain organisms produce organelles that produce ATPs and use them in the synthesis of organic substance from carbon dioxide. These organelles are:
a) lysosomes.
b) mitochondria.
c) chloroplasts.
d) the Golgi system.
e) the nucleoli.
2) (UEL) The essential macronutrient for plant development as part of the chlorophyll molecule is:
a) iron.
b) copper.
c) zinc.
d) magnesium.
i) manganese.
3) (UFES) Photosynthesis occurs through the absorption of light energy by pigments contained in chloroplasts. However, pigments absorb light energy at different wavelengths, as can be seen in the graph below.
Regarding this process, it is incorrect to state that:
a) plants exposed to a wavelength of 500 nm, green color, have a low photosynthetic rate.
b) chlorophylls are pigments that present a green color due to the reflection of this wavelength.
c) the wavelength with the highest absorption corresponds to blue.
d) plants exposed to a wavelength of 650 nm (dark red) have a photosynthesis rate equal to zero.
e) the functional integration of the various pigments allows greater efficiency in capturing light energy.
4) (UFRGS) In the upper block below, two structures present in chloroplasts are cited; at the bottom, characteristics of these structures.
Properly associate the lower block with the upper one.
1 – Thylakoids
2 – Stroma
( ) The light absorbed by the pigment is transformed into chemical energy.
( ) Enzymes catalyze the fixation of CO2.
( ) Part of the glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate results in the production of starch.
( ) The oxidation of water molecules produces electrons, protons and O2.
The correct sequence for filling in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
a) 1-2-2-1.
b) 1 – 1 – 2 – 2.
c) 1-2-2-2.
d) 2-1-1-1.
e) 2 – 1 – 1 – 2.
5) Chloroplasts are typical organelles of algae and plants that are green in color. This is thanks to the presence of:
a) carotenoids.
b) chlorophyll.
c) flavonoids.
d) anthocyanin.
i) phycobilin.
6) (PUC-MG) In plant eukaryotic cells, the chloroplast is responsible for:
a) photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
b) photosynthesis only.
c) cellular respiration only.
d) synthesis of proteins and lipids
e) synthesis of nucleic acids.
7) (UEPB) The diagram below represents a cytoplasmic organelle. Identify which structure it belongs to:
a) Mitochondria.
b) Golgi complex.
c) Chloroplast.
d) rough endoplasmic reticulum.
i) Ribosomes.
8) Chloroplasts have a very complex structure, including their own DNA and a double membrane. Thanks to these particularities, it is believed that their descendants were autotrophic organisms that were phagocytosed. This theory is known as:
a) theory of abiogenesis.
b) endosymbiotic theory.
c) evolutionary theory.
d) phagocytic theory.
9) (UESPI) The chloroplast is a “factory” that produces valuable fuel for living cells, from simple substances, here called “raw materials”. Indicate the alternative that correctly presents the raw materials and substances produced in the process under consideration, in this order:
a) H2O, CO2, glucose and O2.
b) CO2, O2, glucose and protein.
c) H2The, the2, glucose and protein.
of2, CO2, protein and H2.
e) Protein, CO2, H2The, the2.
10) Chloroplasts are important organelles present in plant cells and algae. Regarding chloroplasts, mark the incorrect alternative.
a) Chloroplasts are involved in the process of photosynthesis.
b) Inside the chloroplasts, we find chlorophyll, a green pigment.
c) Inside the chloroplasts, we find structures in the form of flattened vesicles that are called granum.
d) The stroma is a viscous fluid that fills the chloroplast.
e) Chloroplasts are covered by a double membrane.
1 – c
2 – d
3 – d
4 – the
5 – b
6 – b
7 – c
8 – b
9 – the
10 – c
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