O bonsai It is a miniature tree that is grown in small pots indoors. The name bonsai is of Japanese origin and can be translated as “planted in a tray”.
Despite the name having Japanese origin, it is believed that bonsai began in China, around 700 AD. C., through the development of techniques for the creation of dwarf plants.
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According to Japanese Zen Buddhism, the technique of cultivating small trees can represent the cultivation of the entire universe.
check out how to care for bonsai!
For your bonsai to always be beautiful, some precautions must be taken. The choice of tree is very important, as this directly influences where it will be grown.
Bonsai needs at least a few hours with good luminosity every day and are subject to the effects of seasons like life-size plants.
Without the sun, the branches of your tree can wither (stretch towards the sun) and your plant will look ugly and weakened.
Therefore, knowing well the habits of the species you choose to grow is very important, prefer species that belong to the climate of the place where you live, so adaptation will be easier.
When grown outdoors, bonsai need to be protected from strong winds so that the growth structure is not shaken.
Bonsai soil needs to contain soil fertilized with humus from worm and it should be planted in places with good drainage, fine gravel can be used at the bottom of the vase to avoid the accumulation of water.
Use a fertilizer with good concentrations of nitrogen, phosphor It is potassium is very important, mainly for bonsai that give flowers It is fruits.
Bonsai watering should occur whenever the substrate is dry. Water misters or sprayers can be used to moisten the sheets of the plant.
Bonsai grown outdoors need more care with watering, and those grown indoors need more care with fertilization every month.
A pruning it is very important for bonsai to be molded and shaped. Generally, the apical regions of the stalk so that the bonsai stops growing upwards and the lateral buds are stimulated.
You can choose the branches you want to grow and remove the others, creating a unique design for your bonsai. The modeling of the bonsai can be up to your imagination, decide the place of pruning and direct the growth of the other branches using wires.
Every 2 years it is necessary to change the bonsai vase for one that offers more space. When you are going to make this change, take the opportunity to prune the excess roots of bonsai.
Remember to prepare the land for the new pot with humus and the necessary fertilizer.
Pest control in bonsai is relatively easy due to the small size of the plants. Inspect the leaves and flowers frequently and remove the affected parts.
Excess water, lack of light, places without air circulation can favor the appearance of pathogens in bonsai trees. For some pests, tobacco powder diluted in water in the proportions described on the package can be used.
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