Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the cheating donkey. Many years ago, a donkey, an ox and a lamb lived in the same corral. But what tricks did the donkey do, huh? Let's find out? For this, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Many years ago, a donkey, an ox and a lamb lived in the same corral. Although in the morning the three had to work a lot, in the afternoon they could rest freely in the corral, as the owner treated them very well.
What to do during free time? They decided to spend the afternoons playing cards or dice. Whoever won could sleep in the best stable. As you can imagine, the three of them played very hard.
The donkey was a great cheater. He won every game, so he always slept in the best stable. The ox and the lamb began to distrust him. To be sure of their suspicions, they made a small cross on every letter.
When the donkey won again, in the next game, his friends asked him:
"Show us your cards, friend!" said the lamb.
— Yes, your letters! - supported the ox.
"Are you implying that I'm cheating?" asked the donkey, a little awkwardly.
It was no use denying it. He had to show the cards he had laid on the table. None of them were marked with a cross. I mean, they didn't belong in the deck and the donkey had taken them out of his sleeve. Thus, the two could prove their suspicions. Really long ago the donkey was deceiving them.
Since that afternoon, they did not play with him again, as they had completely lost confidence. And they took turns using the best corral.
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Question 1 - Reread this fragment of the story:
“[…] in the afternoon they could rest freely in the corral”.
This was because:
( ) the owner took good care of the three animals.
( ) the three animals worked too hard during the morning.
( ) the three animals lived in the same corral for a long time.
Question 2 - According to the story, the three animals "played with the utmost determination" to dispute the best stable. In this context, the term "hard" means:
( ) “caution”.
( ) "effort".
( ) “impatience”.
Question 3 - In the passage “I won every game and, therefore, I always slept in the best stable.”, the narrator refers:
( ) to the ox.
( ) to the donkey.
( ) to the lamb.
Question 4 – In "To be sure of your suspicions, made a small cross in all the letters.”, the highlighted excerpt expresses:
( ) condition.
( ) goal.
( ) consequence.
Question 5 - Mark, in the following speech, the word used by the lamb to address the donkey:
“—Show us your cards, friend! — said the lamb to him."
Question 6 – In the part “He had to show the cards he had put on the table.”, the text says:
( ) a wish of the donkey.
( ) an obligation of the donkey.
( ) a promise of the donkey.
Question 7 – In the segment "since this afternoon, they didn't play with him again […]”, the underlined expression indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 8 – It can be concluded that the story of the cheating donkey is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a fable.
( ) a report.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.