Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about pitangatuba. Have you ever heard of her? Pitangatuba is a shrub of up to two meters in height, with a more or less thin crown and an oval shape.. Let's get to know her better? To do so, answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Pitangatuba is a shrub of up to two meters in height, with a more or less thin crown and an oval shape. It can go almost unnoticed in the middle of the vegetation, but the ancient inhabitants of Brazil already enjoyed its fruits, which have a strong scent and are very tasty. Birds are also very fond of eating pitangatubas.
Although it is related to pitangas, in its shape and external appearance, pitangatuba resembles a miniature carambola: elongated, greenish-yellow, with buds. Pitangatuba is naturally found in the restingas of Southeastern Brazil, specifically, in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. Restingas are plant formations that occur along the coast, in sandy soils, and are considered ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest.
Imagine that, like pitangatuba, many other plant species that are still little known inhabit the restingas that resist on the coast of Brazil. Therefore, preserving the restingas means saving a huge heritage of our country.
Sicilian Salvatore. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 243. Available in:. (With cut).
Question 1 - Reread this text fragment:
"It can go almost unnoticed in the middle of the vegetation, but the former inhabitants of Brazil already enjoyed its fruits […]"
In this fragment, the author refers to:
( ) to pitanga.
( ) to carambola.
( ) to pitangatuba.
Question 2 - Underline the term that indicates the sum of characteristics below:
“[…] which have a strong perfume and are very tasty.”
Question 3 - In the period “Birds also like quite of eating the pitangatubas.”, the highlighted word was used to:
( ) to contrast.
( ) intensify.
( ) complementary.
Question 4 – The pitangatubas are:
( ) greenish-yellow.
( ) greenish yellow.
( ) greenish-yellow.
Question 5 - Note the underlined word in this passage of text:
“Pitangatuba is naturally found in the restingas of Southeast Brazil, specifically, in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo.”
The underlined word means:
( ) "principally".
( ) "Apparently".
( ) “exclusively”.
Question 6 – In the segment “Imagine that, like pitangatuba […]”, the author dialogues directly with the reader. So he used the verb:
( ) in indicative mode.
( ) in subjunctive mode.
( ) in imperative mode.
Question 7 – According to the author of the text, "preserving the restingas means keeping an enormous heritage of our country", because:
( ) restingas are ecosystems linked to the Atlantic Forest.
( ) restingas are plant formations that inhabit the coast.
( ) many little-known plant species live in restingas on the Brazilian coast.
Question 8 – The text about pitangatuba has purposes:
( ) didactic.
( ) scientific.
( ) journalistic.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.