Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about a little mouse that wanted to fly. The mouse had discovered that birds had the faculty of flight and wished he could imitate them.. Did he manage to fly? Let's find out? To do this, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The mouse had discovered that birds had the faculty of flight and wished he could imitate them. How amazing it would be to be able to fly so high, so fast and smooth, and see the world at your feet! He spent the hours watching the fluttering birds, increasingly obsessed with the dream his mind had created.
So, full of enthusiasm, he began to collect loose feathers, which he found scattered on the grass in the field. He quickly collected enough of them to take a new step in his plans. With these feathers, he built two small wings, climbed the highest branch of a tree and, opening his wings, launched himself into the air, ready to fly.
Look what happened. Our little mouse fell facedown on the ground. What a spectacular fall! When he regained consciousness, he found that he had broken two legs and numerous teeth. It was a miracle not to have died.
During his long convalescence, the little mouse thought about what had happened to him and realized that he had done wrong in trying to fly like birds. Now that he couldn't use his paws because they were in plaster, he missed the pleasure of running, jumping, walk, play and be able to get close to a beautiful cheese to crack, or catch pine nuts, or… so many others stuff!
In time, the mouse healed and was able to run again. He was happy with the paws that Nature had given him. Let the birds stay with the sky, for it already had a lot to live with on earth! From that experience, the mouse was much happier.
Unknown author. Available in: .
Question 1 - The text above is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a fable.
( ) a report.
Question 2 - The story happens because:
( ) the mouse wanted to fly like the birds.
( ) the mouse has learned to value what Nature has given it.
() the mouse fell to the ground after trying to fly with the wings it created.
Question 3 - The narrator presents an opinion about a fact in the excerpt:
( ) “What a spectacular fall!”
( ) "Over time, the mouse recovered and was able to run again."
( ) “From this experience, the mouse was much happier.”
Question 4 – According to the story, the mouse made plans to fulfill its dream of flying. What was the first step he took?
( ) started collecting feathers.
( ) gathered a good amount of feathers.
( ) built two small wings with feathers.
Question 5 - According to the text, the mouse survived by a miracle of the fall. Because?
Question 6 – Read back:
“During its long convalescence, the mouse thought about what had happened to it […]”
What does “convalescence” mean?
( ) reflection period.
( ) period of discouragement.
( ) period of health recovery.
Question 7 – In “[…] he understood that he had done wrong by trying to fly like birds.”, the word “how” was used to:
( ) point out a reason.
( ) introduce an example.
( ) mark a comparison.
Question 8 – Underline below the word that indicates a circumstance of time:
"Now that he couldn't use his paws because they were in plaster […]"
Question 9 – In “[…] because he I already had a lot to live with on earth!”, the highlighted term:
( ) calls the mouse.
( ) takes the mouse back.
( ) displays the mouse.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
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