Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about adjectives. Let's analyze them in the text A more than natural seasoning? So, answer the proposed questions!
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Salt can be a seasoning and help make your food more delicious, among other benefits. Because it has sodium, salt has a fundamental role in the balance and distribution of body fluids, also contributing to for muscle contraction, heart rate, and allowing proper brain function and control of ___________ functions of the body. However, beware, because excessive consumption of salt can cause serious blood pressure and kidney problems.
Daniele Souza. Available in:
. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Highlight the following adjective:
“A more than natural seasoning”.
Question 2 - In the segment “[…] help make your food more hot […]”, the term underlined:
( ) explains the meaning of the adjective “hot”.
( ) intensifies the sense of the adjective “hot”.
( ) complements the sense of the adjective “hot”.
Question 3 - An adjective is uniform when it has the same form for feminine and masculine. When it has different shapes, it is biform. Classify these adjectives in uniform or biform:
a) "fundamental":
b) "cardiac":
Question 4 – Complete the space with the adjective "vital" in the plural:
“[…] the control of ___________ functions of the body.”
Question 5 - In the segment “[…] the exaggeration of salt consumption can cause serious pressure problems […]”, the highlighted adjective could be replaced by:
( ) “serious”.
( ) "many different".
( ) “painful”.
Question 6 – Adjectives, present in the text, have only one element. In this case, they are:
( ) simple.
( ) primitives.
( ) derivatives.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.