Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the fluorescent lizard. Have you ever heard of him? No? So how about meeting him? To do so, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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He lives on the beach, close to the sea, where he shows off his tight and charming tail. This tiny reptile lays eggs about two centimeters long, from which offspring are born measuring only three centimeters in body.
As the name suggests, the green-tailed lizard doesn't have a blue or yellow tail, it's green, of course! Interestingly, in some lizards, the green is so intense that it even looks fluorescent!
The long, green tail is not just an allegory, no. It facilitates the lizard's balance when walking and running, but it draws a lot of attention, even from predators. Therefore, he does not hesitate to release it from the body if he feels too threatened, a knowledge known as autotomy.
The green-tailed lizard has an orange upper body and different stripes, which also serve to confuse the predator. They have a distorted effect on the body, so when another animal looks in the direction of the lizard, it either doesn't notice it's there or doesn't know exactly where its body starts and ends. The time it takes the predator to understand where vital parts are, such as the head or neck, is enough for the reptile to try to escape.
Males and females of this species are very similar in size and color. […]
Each female lays, on average, two eggs and hides them from predators among the dry leaves in the ground. After birth, the puppies are not cared for by their parents and explore the environment in search of food on their own or by instinct, as researchers prefer.
The green-tailed lizard is an important animal for the balance of the environment. As it basically feeds on insects, it helps to control populations of termites, beetles and moths, for example. On the other hand, it is also prey for birds of prey and other animals. Our role is to preserve the restinga areas, where this lizard lives, so that nature itself maintains its balance.
Vanderlaine Amaral de Menezes, Beatriz Nunes Cosendey and
Carlos Frederico Duarte da Rocha. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine.
Edition 270. Available in: >.
Question 1 - Read back:
"This little reptile lays eggs about two centimeters long […]"
What little reptile does the text refer to?
Question 2 - Identify the passage in which the underlined adjective expresses an opinion of the authors:
( ) “He lives on the beach, close to the sea, where he displays his compressed tail and charming.”
( ) "The tail long and green is not just an allegory, no.”
( ) "They give an effect distorted on body […]"
Question 3 - In “[…] green is So intense that even looks fluorescent!”, the underlined term:
( ) defines.
( ) intensifies.
( ) complements.
Question 4 – Highlight the word that indicates place in the segment below:
"The time it takes the predator to understand where vital parts are […] is enough for the reptile to try to escape."
Question 5 - According to the text, what does the female “hide from predators among the dry leaves on the ground”?
() her puppies.
() the eggs she lays.
() the foods she hunts.
Question 6 – Please transcribe the passage in which the authors address the readers directly:
Question 7 – In the "How it basically feeds on insects, helps to control termite populations […]”, the highlighted fact is:
( ) a cause.
( ) a conclusion.
( ) a comparison.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.