Interdisciplinary project that aims to: provide the development of communication skills and technological proficiency of students and use the internet and social networks as a bridge for positive progress in the teaching-learning process. This project can be developed in all grades of Elementary School II and High School.
This activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF.
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Responsible for the project:
Time course: Yearly.
Target Audience: Elementary and High School Students.
Nowadays, the internet and social networks are fundamental in people's lives, because many actions we practice in the day to day are related to the use of a computer, a cell phone, a tablet, a printer, a digital camera, etc.
Social networks, in addition to entertaining, work as a tool for interaction and as an aid to the work of many professionals, whether from the education, health, a salesperson in a cosmetics or clothing store, a pharmacy, in short, today it is impossible to live without technology .
Therefore, using the internet and social networks to improve teaching learning is essential in education, as they favor the contact between teacher-student bringing them together and making the coexistence between them more friendly, a factor that favors the Communication. In addition to favoring the teacher the possibility of getting to know their students better and thus devising effective strategies aimed at improving the quality of teaching.
2. General Purpose
Contribute to teacher-student interaction;
Promote the development of communication skills and technological proficiency of students;
Using the internet and social networks as a bridge for positive progress in the teaching-learning process.
Specific objectives
– Confront opinions and points of view of different languages and their specific manifestations.
– Produce texts with varied typological characteristics, using technological tools.
– Read and interpret diversities of textual genres, analyzing the differences inherent in their structures.
– Share multimedia materials, news from newspapers and magazines, videos, music, film clips or pieces from theater that involve subjects worked in the classroom, in a complementary way, by the social networks most used by students.
Use of groups shared between student-teachers, to indicate interesting links or pages of institutions that can help students in their studies.
Use of whatsapp and facebook groups as spaces for exchanging information between professor and students, with the professor as mediator and guide of the proposed discussions.
Share with students multimedia materials, news from newspapers and magazines, videos, music, excerpts from films or plays that involve subjects worked in the classroom, in a way complementary.
Promote discussions on everyday topics in order to help students develop a critical sense.
Encourage students to speak up, proposing questions based on news seen on social networks and television, as a way to keep them up to date.
Use tools like: “My Calendar” and “Events” on facebook to remind students about assignments and assessment dates.
Use facebook messenger and whatsapp group to ask questions about the contents taught in the classroom.
Use the Portuguese language group (which should be created on facebook and/or whatsapp group) to post content relevant to those studied in the classroom;
Posting texts in socialization groups according to the studied genre for reading, socialization, interpretation and production.
Use the blog: to develop activities, educational games, assessments, reading sheets, among others related to the content studied in the classroom;
Use the cell phone (when possible) to socialize the posts made by the teacher of relevant content to those studied in the classroom.
Use the school unit's computers to conduct research for directed studies, forums and debates.
Posting files and links, such as articles from the Portuguese Language course in facebook and whatsapp study groups.
Use of collective e-mail that will be created for posting work done in the classroom.
Use the application "socrative student" and "socrative teacher" for posting papers and developing assessments and polls prepared by the teacher.
Use “Scratch” to create animations, interactive stories or browser games about teacher guidance.
use the website, to generate memes about the permanent projects of the school unit.
Use the “edmodo” learning platform to develop assessments, complementary activities, polls and research posts carried out during the school year.
Use Google doc's to carry out simulations and evaluation activities during the school year.
At the end of the project, a portfolio of actions will be delivered to the school unit's management. developed, along with testimonies from the students involved as well as records of advances achieved.
Note: NThere will be no exclusion of students who are outside social networks, as the school has a computer room. All material under study will be shared on facebook, whatsapp and edmodo platform groups.
4.Materials Used
STE, videos, digital camera, Computer, pendrive, notebook, speaker, cell phones, headset, tablet, mouse, printer, overhead projector.
Students will be assessed procedurally on a continuous basis throughout the application of the project through reports, photos and footage.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.