The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) has the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC). This is the INSS benefit for those who have never contributed, given specifically to certain groups of people. Payment of the first installment of 2022 is now available, so now see the details and who is entitled to the BPC.
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The BPC was created from the Organic Law of Social Assistance (LOAS). It is a form of assistance from the federal government that is part of the Basic Social Protection of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). The value of the benefit is the current minimum wage. Therefore, in 2022 the value of the BPC is R$ 1,212.
One detail is that, unlike INSS beneficiaries who receive the thirteenth salary, people assisted by the Continuous Cash Benefit are not entitled to additional payment.
The benefit is intended for the elderly, aged 65 or over, and people with some type of disability of any age group. In this sense, to receive the BPC, it is necessary to prove that the person to be contemplated lives in a situation of social vulnerability.
Among the other requirements to apply for the BPC are: being a native Brazilian, naturalized, or of Portuguese nationality, but with residence in Brazil, and have a per capita family income equal to or less than ¼ of the minimum wage, that is, between R$ 303 and R$ 606, except in some cases.
Thus, depending on the citizen's degree of disability, dependence on third-party assistance to perform routine tasks and the expenses with services that the Unified Health System does not provide, the per capita income value can be up to R$ 606, that is, half a salary Minimum.
In addition, all family members of the person claiming the benefit must be registered with the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) and, in the case of people with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out a medical examination of the INSS.
First, it is necessary to enroll in the CadÚnico and then, in possession of this registration, the request for the BPC can be done in person at an INSS branch or over the internet, on the Meu website or app INSS. In case of doubts, the INSS has a central to provide clarifications and it is possible to contact it by number 135.