The field of information technology and technology makes use of some specific terms referring to some actions or problems in this area. Some examples are the words download, Upload, login, online. These words have become common in our daily lives and have already been inserted into our vocabulary.
Another such term is “bug”, being more unknown than those previous words, but also a computer term.
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The word “bug” is of English origin and in its translation Literally means "insect". However, in computing it has another use.
It is believed that this word was created by thomas edison, the inventor who created the incandescent light bulb. He used this term in 1878, when an insect caused a complication in his phonograph reading.
From this, the word “bug” began to be used frequently in computing when an error or problem occurs in an item or computer program.
Thus, when it presents errors, it is said that the computer “has a bug” or “is buggy”.
Language is considered a living organism and thus is always changing and evolving. In this way, this term of English origin has already been incorporated into our language and is very present in our vocabulary.
Thus, nowadays, “bug” is also used outside the computational universe.
For example, when someone is confused it can be said that “the person is bugged”.
This term was used a lot in the 90s, especially when approaching the year 2000.
People feared that there would be some errors in hardware and software standards and a bug would appear in systems and databases, banks, institutions, companies and so on. at the turn of 1999 to the year 2000.
This happened because computers adopted some hardware and software standards following the Cobol language, which changed only the last two digits each year.
Thus, the first two digits were repeated and the last ones changed, in this way the digits were exactly the same as the year they were in.
From that, the fear arose that in the year 2000 the first two digits would remain 19 and the last ones would become 00.
If that really happened, a bug would happen because the files and processes would start to have a century of delay, like bank data, interest, etc.
However, this problem was foreseen by technicians and professionals.
Therefore, institutions and large companies sought specialists who corrected and updated the systems. Thus, this problem was reduced and did not generate major problems.
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