At least one in three subjects in schools in Brazil are taught by teachers without specific training, according to with data from the School Census released today (31) by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).
The percentage varies according to the teaching stage. In secondary education, 61.9% of subjects are taught by licensed teachers in the same area. In elementary school, this percentage is 58%.
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In the early years of elementary school, from the 1st to the 5th year, 63.1% of the subjects are taught by professors with a degree in the same area. In the final years, from the 6th to the 9th grade, the percentage drops to 51.7%, which means that almost half of the subjects are taught by teachers who are not specifically trained in the area taught.
The situation changes according to the region of the country. Most of the subjects taught by teachers with specific training are in the Southeast, where at least 67% of the classes are taught by more prepared teachers.
The Northeast Region has the worst indicators. In the final years of elementary school, the percentage of subjects with teachers trained to teach them reaches just 33.6%, in the final years of elementary school.
In all, according to the Census, the country has 762,884 teachers working in basic education. Of these, 77.3% have some degree, 1.2% have only a bachelor's degree and 6.3% are in college. Another 11% have a normal or teaching education and 4.3% have only secondary education or less. In the last five years, since 2014, all training courses have reduced, with the exception of licensed teachers, whose percentage was 71.5%.
The Census also brings data on the physical structure of schools. Data show that 63.4% of public schools have internet access. Among private schools, the percentage reaches 96% in elementary school. In high school, these percentages are respectively 93.6% and 98.7%.
Only 8% of public elementary schools and 38.8% of high schools have a science laboratory. In private schools, this percentage reaches 26.3% in primary education and 57.2% in secondary education.
Just over half (51.2%) of schools in the country have libraries or reading rooms. Among public schools, this percentage is 45.7% and, among private schools, 70.3%. By Law 12,244/2010, all schools in the country must have a library by 2020. The law also says that these libraries must have at least one book for each enrolled student. With information from Agência Brasil.