Compulsive buying, also known scientifically as oniomania, is a very common psychological disorder, which is often a sign of a lack of a problem or difficulty in relationships. People who buy a lot, often unnecessarily, may suffer from more serious emotional problems and should look for some way to therapy.
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This problem affects women more and tends to appear around the age of 18. If not treated, it can lead to financial problems and great losses in various aspects of life. Usually these people go out and buy things when they feel lonely or disappointed about something.
Oniomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder, characterized by a personality and psychiatric disorder that falls under the category of impulsive disorders. For a compulsive shopper, it's the act of shopping, not the item, that makes them ecstatic.
Today it can be said that compulsive buying disorder can be categorized as an addiction. Arguments show many similarities between compulsive buying behavior and pathological drug use. substances, including heavy compulsive use, dependence, and loss of control over your behavior.
Scholars point out that, for the diagnosis, it is observed:
The first and most important (perhaps the most difficult) step is realizing that there is a problem and that you need help. Only then is it time to ask for help. The treatment is carried out through a therapeutic process in which a psychologist tries to understand and make the person understand the reasons for their excessive consumption.
In addition, professionals seek strategies during meetings that encourage changes behavior in individuals, such as, for example, having a spreadsheet to organize daily expenses and weekly; recognize purchasing facilitators; cancel credit cards and others.