BiochemistryIt is an interdisciplinary branch between biology and chemistry. She studies the chemical and physiological reactions that take place in the body of living beings.
In other words, it studies all the structures, organization and molecular transformations that take place inside cells.
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We prepared a list of exercises on biochemistry so you can test your knowledge of this branch of science.
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1) (UDESC) Select the correct alternative regarding the result of the lack of vitamins K, D, B1, C and A, respectively:
a) Beriberi – difficulty in blood clotting – rickets – scurvy and night blindness
b) Rickets – difficulty in blood clotting – night blindness – beriberi and scurvy
c) Night blindness – difficulty in blood clotting – rickets – scurvy and beriberi
d) Difficulty in blood clotting – rickets – beriberi – scurvy and night blindness
2) On water, check (T) for true or (F) for false:
(a) Water is considered a universal solution.
b) Water molecules are dipolar.
c) ( ) Cohesion between water molecules is only possible due to the presence of hydrogen bonds.
d) ( ) Water has low values of specific heat, avoiding sudden variations in the temperature of organisms.
e) ( ) Chemical reactions in which molecules unite, with formation of water as a product, are called hydrolysis reactions.
3) (UDESC) Living organisms are made up of various organic macromolecules, known as biological polymers. About these macromolecules, it is incorrect claim:
a) Nucleic acids are polymers of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds, with structural functions.
b) Lipids are compounds formed by fatty acids, which can form cell membranes and play important roles as hormones.
c) Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds and which can perform enzymatic, structural and energetic functions.
d) Carbohydrates are known as sugars, consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, being the main energy sources of the cell.
e) Some types of polysaccharides can be found in the cell wall structure of plants and also be stored as energy reserves in plants.
4) (UFRGS) Regarding the biological macromolecules present in all organisms, it is correct to state that:
a) Carbohydrates are the macromolecules found in the greatest amount in living tissues.
b) carbohydrates may have a structural function, such as chitin present in arthropods.
c) protein monomers are amino acids whose diverse functions include energy storage.
d) saturated fatty acids are found only in animals, as plants do not produce cholesterol.
e) the nitrogenous bases found in DNA and RNA are the same.
5) (UFJF) You must have already observed an insect walking across the water surface of a pond. The property of water that allows the insect's foot not to break through the layer of water is:
a) adhesion.
b) specific heat.
c) surface tension.
d) heat of vaporization.
e) capillarity.
6) (CESPE) Judge the following items, related to the principles of biochemistry.
01. Insulin, antibodies, and hemoglobin are proteins of the regulatory, defense, and transport types, respectively.
02. Foods such as broccoli, lettuce and green beans are sources of α-carotene, which, through a cleavage process, produces vitamin D in the human intestine.
04. Lactose — milk sugar — is a disaccharide formed by covalent bonding between glucose and galactose molecules.
08. A running athlete who runs 100 m in 12 seconds uses, during this activity, the aerobic pathway or glycogenesis as an energy source.
7) (FMJ) Fundamental to regulate cell metabolism, enzymes are synthesized from the action of genes. It is correct to say that enzymes:
a) undergo denaturation at elevated temperature, a phenomenon that results in molecules that are more efficient in their reaction activity.
b) they are non-specific to the substrates, in which they react at binding sites and, after the reaction, the products are released for use by the cell.
c) they increase the activation energy necessary for the occurrence of a chemical reaction, making it easier to obtain useful substances for the cell.
d) increase the speed of chemical reactions without the need to raise the temperature because they decrease the activation energy.
e) have activity controlled by the temperature of the medium, regardless of substrate concentrations and existing pH.
8) (ENEM) When drinking a glucose solution (C6H12O6), a cane cutter ingests a substance:
a) which, when broken down by the body, produces energy that can be used to move the body.
b) flammable which, when burned by the body, produces water to maintain cell hydration.
c) that raises the level of sugar in the blood and is stored in the cell, which restores the oxygen content in the body.
d) insoluble in water, which increases fluid retention by the body.
e) with a sweet taste that, used in cellular respiration, provides CO2 to keep the level of carbon in the atmosphere stable.
9) (UFV) Recently, genetic engineering enabled the transfer of genes from the provitamin A biosynthesis pathway to the rice genome (“Golden Rice”). According to the authors of the project, the consumption of this type of rice could alleviate the problems of lack of this vitamin in populations of developed countries. Regarding provitamin A, it is incorrect to state that:
a) is associated with beta-carotene.
b) its deficiency is associated with xerophthalmia.
c) can be found as a provitamin in carrots and pumpkin.
d) its deficiency is usually associated with scurvy.
e) is not biosynthesized by the human organism.
10) (UFSC) Regarding the organic compounds present in living beings, it is correct to state that:
01. HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), known as bad cholesterol, can trigger some health problems, such as fatty plaques, which can clog arteries and lead to heart attack.
02. Hemoglobin, the respiratory pigment found in human red blood cells, is a conjugated protein that contains iron.
04. Glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose are classified as monosaccharide carbohydrates; such compounds participate in the production of energy in the cells of living beings.
08. Cerides are examples of lipid compounds found only in animals, such as beeswax, lanolin obtained from sheep wool and waxes that waterproof the feathers of waterfowl.
16. Vitamins are involved in the body's metabolic processes and are classified according to the solvent; one can mention the B complex vitamins and vitamin C as water soluble and vitamins A, D, E and K as liposoluble.
32. Cholesterol can be used as a raw material for the production of steroid hormones in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
1 — d
2 — F, V, V, F, F
3 — the
4 — b
5 — c
6 - 01 and 04
7 — d
8 — the
9 — d
10 – 02 and 16
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