Last Wednesday, the 5th, the minister of MEC (Ministry of Education) Camilo Santana published in the Official Gazette the ordinance that changes the implementation of the New Secondary School. Thus, Ordinance No. 521, of July 13, 2021, will have the terms presented in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 7 suspended.
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The suspension will last until the end of the 90-day public consultation, in effect since March 8. this year, so that everyone can give their opinion on the restructuring of the National Teaching Policy Average. In all, there are 60 days left for the public opinion period to end.
For the Federal Government, the discussion about reform or repeal needed to include the population as a whole, which is why public consultation has been decisive for the decisions of the Ministry of Education.
For Camilo Santana, there was not enough discussion about the effective implementation of the change.
At the headquarters of the MEC, Minister Camilo Santana informed that the suspension refers to the advancement of changes in the And either and the schedule for the implementation of the New Secondary School.
“What is suspended is the ordinance of the New High School implementation schedule, specifically, what is related to the Enem. What we are suspending is any progress in implementation, until this commission defines, evaluates, listening to the everyone, what will be the modifications, changes or corrections that we will make in secondary education”, said the minister.
The New Secondary School was approved by the National Congress in 2017, during the government of former President Michel Temer.
Public and private schools throughout Brazil need to follow the adopted guidelines, applying the increase in school hours and the division of itineraries.
From the approval to the present day, teachers and other education professionals are working to ensure that the effective implementation does not happen. It was these requests that influenced the MEC to open the public consultation for a period of 90 days.
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