Known as "man's best friend", dogs are present in many homes. Faithful and companions, but depending on the breed, they are also very fun and playful. Some dogs are quieter, while others are much more active.
Find out now what are the playful dog breeds. This type of information can define which pet you will adopt, as playful dogs may need more space and attention. Furthermore, their preference for each type of activity may also vary according to race.
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There are some dog breeds considered perfect for people…
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Labradors are very docile and sociable, but also intelligent. They love to play, thus being great companions for sports activities. It is an excellent dog for family life, as it gets along very well with children, adults, the elderly and also with other animals.
Beagle dogs love games that serve mainly to stimulate their sense of smell, which is very accurate. Hiding objects is a suitable activity for these little animals. As they have a lot of energy to burn, racing is also interesting for them.
These are very happy, alert and sociable dogs. They are usually not aggressive. As the Border is a very active dog, know that frequent walks and physical activities are essential.
Popularly known for their white coat with black polka dots, Dalmatians are extremely playful pets and are very fond of exercising. If you choose to have a puppy of this breed, then keep in mind that he needs space to move around.
Golden dogs are very affectionate animals, ideal for the family. To always make him happy you need to provide activities that stimulate his cognitive and also his physique. A good example of this are marathons in order to look for hidden things.
If you don't have much space at home and are looking for a happy, intelligent and loving dog, then meet Papillon! This puppy reaches a maximum height of 28 cm and does not require a very large space or long walks, but it is important to always develop activities with him!
Poodles are considered by many to be the most intelligent dog breed. Therefore, programs that stimulate your mind are welcome! In addition, it can be a very agitated dog. But don't worry, they are very easy to train!
Finally, we have these adventurers! This is a word that can define Schnauzer dogs. Due to their natural hunting instinct, they love activities that stimulate this characteristic. So use and abuse toys and objects. They also love walking and running outdoors.