The Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC) is an aid offered by the Federal Government to families in a situation of social vulnerability. Thus, family groups that have a person with a physical or intellectual disability, specific illnesses or low-income elderly people can receive the amount. In addition, the INSS also allows the request and release of payroll loan for BPC, which will now have a higher limit available, according to an official announcement. If you want to know what the new interest rates and credit amounts look like, read on!
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Retirees, pensioners and people who receive the BPC already had the right to credit through the INSS. For this, Social Security uses the payroll model, which collects the amount related to the provision of the loan directly from the account after depositing the aid.
Now, BPC recipients will be able to get a loan with a higher percentage of the aid amount. According to the INSS, the beneficiary will have up to 40% of the amount of monthly payments available for credit discharge. However, it is worth noting that 5% of this amount will be used to settle amounts through active credit card debts. Or, if you prefer, the 5% can also be used for the purchase and collection of products via credit card.
People who have physical or intellectual disabilities receive the BPC, in addition to elderly people over 65 without retirement or low-income. In both cases, it is necessary that the per capita income of family members be one quarter of the current minimum wage. In addition, families must have an active record in CadÚnico, which is the system that the government uses to map and help people with some financial difficulties.
If you meet these requirements, you can apply for assistance through the Meu INSS application or at a CRAS unit in your city. Remembering that documentation will be required to prove the family's financial situation.