For education professionals who are teachers by training and work, the criteria for retirement are different. In fact, it also differs depending on the category to which the professional belongs in the area. In addition, the Pension Reform is also a factor that makes it necessary to be aware of the transition requirements, in the case of those who were close to retiring.
Read more: Hearing impaired people are entitled to special retirement; understand.
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Before the Social Security Reform, the minimum collaboration time for a private school teacher's retirement was 30 years for men and 25 years for women. In addition, there was no minimum contribution period required. However, with the reform, all teachers now have a minimum age, which previously only public school teachers had. Thus, the current rule establishes the following:
For those who were close to achieving retirement before the Pension Reform, Congress passed the transition rules. In this way, it will not be necessary to wait for the minimum age, according to the new rules. Check out what they are: