The word is the plural of puerpera. A word it is the puerperium, which is the postpartum period. At this time, the woman's body undergoes several changes, whether physical or psychological.
Popularly called “resguardo”, during the period the woman is clinically called puerperal. Regardless of the name, a series of care is needed during the phase. That's because the female body is still adapting to the changes that occur during pregnancy.
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In this way, the period usually lasts about six weeks, counting after the birth of the baby. In addition, it is postpartum that women begin breastfeeding, and with it, the increase in hormones.
The hormones that produce milk often interfere with a woman's menstrual cycle. Breastfeeding women can go between 6 and 8 months without eyepiece. However, those who do not breastfeed can normalize their menstrual cycle up to 8 weeks after the birth of the child.
The puerperium is divided into four phases. The first occurs in the first hours after childbirth and is called immediate puerperium. The second is called mediate puerperium, and happens until the tenth day postpartum. At this stage the uterus releases waste products from the placenta.
In addition, there is the late puerperium from the 10th to the 45th day. After this period there is the remote puerperium, which lasts until the reproductive function returns.
The period is characterized when there are complications in recovery. Therefore, hemorrhages, postpartum depression, infections and other psychopathologies may occur.