Fatigue is common in society, but what many don't know is that the amount of hours you sleep is not the only cause or solution to this problem. In that sense, keep reading to understand about the conditions that can bring the feeling of exhaustion to your everyday life.
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It is common for many people to complain of being tired, even though they have a good sleep routine and sleep eight hours a night, as recommended. This fatigue can have several causes, and it is often difficult to identify the reason for this exhaustion. That way, check out some conditions that can cause fatigue below so you can pay more attention.
Celiac disease is autoimmune and is configured by the body's defense against the ingestion of gluten. It can cause not only fatigue, but also anemia, diarrhea and weight loss. Therefore, the only way to treat it is to stop consuming gluten-containing foods.
In this situation, the individual repeatedly stops breathing throughout the night, which causes the person to wake up several times and not have adequate sleep. Therefore, those who have sleep apnea tend to experience exhaustion throughout the day.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is tiredness that lasts for at least six months and worsens depending on the effort made by the person. The disease has no treatment and is usually managed by adapting your lifestyle.
Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron, which can have many causes. This condition causes less oxygen to reach the tissues, which makes your body less willing.
Because the body is in a constant state of pain, it increases effort and consequently fatigue. In addition, painkillers taken for pain relief can also cause greater tiredness.
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause fatigue. However, the symptom is more common with the underactive gland, as the body begins to ponder the creation of energy due to the lack of hormones.
As it is a chronic disease that damages the nerves, many factors can cause fatigue, varying according to the way in which the disease is expressed in each one. Among them are: muscle spasms, waking up many times at night and greater effort than usual for simple activities such as getting dressed.
The fatigue associated with depression goes beyond tiredness, but is also linked to apathy, difficulty concentrating and lack of motivation.
Lastly, your lifestyle can be a cause of fatigue. Some factors in your routine that may be causing this are poor eating, lack of exercise, little sleep and spending a lot of time in front of screens.