O financing of education will be a priority of the Joint Parliamentary Front for Education. It was created on the 10th (Thursday) at the National Congress. According to the president of the parliamentary front, Deputy Professora Dorinha Rezende (DEM-TO), the focus will be on the continuity of Fundeb.
Proposed amendments to the Constitution with similar content are being processed both in the Federal Senate (PEC 33/2019) and in the Chamber of Deputies (PEC 15/2015). Both make Fundeb permanent, which ceases to be in force in 2020.
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"O Fundeb represents more than 63% of funding for basic education. For some municipalities, it is more money than their own resources [invested in education]”, said the deputy. For Dorinha Rezende, the extinction of Fundeb would “prevent” quality education in the country.
In addition to Fundeb, the front defends the approval of the so-called National Education System (SNE). It will define the role of municipalities, states and the Union in providing education in the country. In the House, the Complementary Bill 25/2019 is being processed. The system would be the equivalent, in terms of education, of what the Unified Health System (SUS) is today.
The parliamentarians are also against the budget disassociation of resources for education. For them, part of what states, municipalities and the Union collect must be obligatorily applied to education.
“A country that has children studying in makeshift schools under trees, a country that pays the worst salaries for its teachers, this country has no right to think that it can unlink resources,” he said. Dorinha.
In addition to deputies and senators, the parliamentary front has an advisory board composed of Undime, Consed and civil society organizations focused on education such as Todos pela Educação, the Lemann Foundation and the Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture and Community Action (Cenpec).
“We need urgency in our actions. We need to ensure that we are taking effective actions and we need to hurry, the urgency that our students deserve”, said the general coordinator of Transversal Themes and Integral Education of the Ministry of Education (MEC), Leonardo Lapa, who represented the portfolio at the installation ceremony of the front.
Both parliamentarians and representatives of organizations present at the event defended the implementation of the National Education Plan (PNE). It sets goals for education – from kindergarten to higher education – that must be met by 2024.
“This is our north”, said Dorinha. One of the goals of the plan is to raise funding for education to the equivalent of 10% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP, sum of all goods and services produced in the country.
According to the latest data, from 2015, from the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), currently, investment is 5% of GDP.