According to information from Globo Universidade, Australia has animals that are different from the rest of the world, as the territory of Oceania, which is the continent on which the country is located, has long been cut off from the rest of the lands of the planet.
This isolation not only guaranteed Australia, but Oceania as a whole, to have exotic animals, as well as that most of its fauna is exclusive to the continent.
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It is estimated that more than 80% of mammals, reptiles, fish, insects and amphibians that inhabit the region are endemic, that is, they only exist in that place. This is the case of the kangaroo, a typical animal of the Australian fauna.
Quite noisy and colorful, cockatoos have curved beaks and feet with great movement capacity. The bird is endowed with a plume that is raised in mating displays. There are about 20 species of cockatoos.
They are birds that measure up to 45 cm in length, relatively large head and robust beak. The laughing kookaburra has brown plumage, with white stripes on the head) and a reddish tail. The blue kookaburra has blue spots on its wings and a blue tail. The species presents sexual dimorphism, with females being slightly larger than males, but less colorful.
It is a medium-sized parrot, with a length ranging from 25 to 30 cm, including the tail. Weight ranges from 75 to 157 g. The plumage is very shiny. The head is dark blue with a yellow-green nape collar, and the rest of the upperparts (wings, back, and tail) are dark green. The breast is red, with black and blue bars.
It is the largest existing reptile today and can be extremely dangerous for humans. Males can measure between 6 and 7 meters in length and weigh up to 1500 kg, while females rarely grow beyond 2.1 to 3 meters. The head is relatively large in relation to the body and has two ridges around the eyes.
It differs from other reptiles by having a rigid shell that protects it from predators, climate variations and environmental pressures. The species is migratory and roams the oceans, orienting itself with the help of the Earth's magnetic field.
The dingo is the wild dog of Australia, they have a medium size, wide heads, pointed snout, erect ears, bushy tails and fur between red and yellow. They have longer muzzles, longer canine teeth and flatter skulls than domestic dogs of the same size.
They are mammals belonging to the group of marsupials. It has a small head and large ears, its front legs are short, with five fingers, and the hind legs are large, with four fingers. They can reach two meters in height and weigh up to 85 kg.
Also belonging to the group of marsupial mammals. In Australia, koalas can be found in the forested region of the northeast and southeast of the country. They are slow animals that rarely come down from trees and drink little water.
It is considered one of the most peculiar animals on the face of the Earth. Its entire body is covered with dark brown hair, its limbs are short and robust, its feet have interdigital membranes and its tail looks like a beaver's. The muzzle is elongated, similar to a duck's beak. It's a monometer, a mammal that lays eggs.
Also known as the spiny anteater, the echidna is a monometer like the platypus. It has a long, sticky tongue and a fur covered with thorns, like those of a hedgehog or porcupine.
Humpback Whales can reach up to 16 meters in length, weighing up to 40 tons. Due to its blue and black coloring, its long pectoral fins, up to 5 m long, and the presence of a subtle hump on which its dorsal fin rests, which originated one of the common names of this species, also known as whale hunchback.
They are also called anemone fish, because they live among sea anemones. They have flashy colors, the most famous are orange and have white stripes outlined in black. A famous clownfish is Nemo from the Disney film of the same name.
See too Animals of the Brazilian Cerrado
(Sources: InfoEscola, Australia.com, Globo University, Wikipedia, Pixabay)