You roundwormsare animals that have an elongated and cylindrical body belonging to the Phylum Nematoda. Their symmetry is bilateral and they are covered by a epidermis with cuticle.
We prepared a roundworm exercise list so that you can test your knowledge about these animals that move by crawling and live freely.
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1) (MACKENZIE) Elephantiasis is a verminosis caused by a nematode, and its main symptom is swelling of the feet and legs. This swelling is caused by:
a) By the accumulation of worms in the lymphatic vessels, preventing the reabsorption of lymph, which accumulates in the intercellular spaces.
b) By clogging of blood vessels, caused by blood clotting in an attempt to expel the worms.
c) By the increase in the number of worms in the muscle cells of the infected regions.
2) (FGV) Children who frequented a sand tank in the condominium where they lived, presented, practically at the same time, a parasitosis popularly known as “geographical bug” or “larva migrants”, whose etiological agent is the Ancylostoma braziliense.
Which of the animals listed below could have been responsible for the contamination of the sand?
a) Mice and birds.
b) Rats and pigeons.
c) Bats and pigeons.
d) Dogs and cats.
e) Parrots and pigeons.
3) (UFMA) In sentences I and II, the gaps would be filled correctly by the alternative:
I – A Wuchereria Brancofti, also commonly called filaria, causes __________ in humans.
II – The class Cestoda consists of endoparasitic animals. There are two species of tapeworms: the Taenia solium, found in the flesh of __________ and the Taenia saginata, found in the flesh of __________.
a) enterobiosis, beef, pig.
b) elephantiasis, pig, beef.
c) enterobiosis, pig, beef.
d) elephantiasis, ox, pig.
e) ascariasis, pig, beef.
4) (MACKENZIE) Mark the alternative that presents human parasites caused by parasites belonging solely to the phylum Nematelmintos.
a) Taeniasis, Ascariasis and Dracunculiasis.
b) Ascariasis, yellow fever and elephantiasis.
c) Schistosomiasis, Amarelão and Taeniasis.
d) Trichinosis, Oxyurosis and Schistosomiasis.
e) Ascariasis, Elephantiasis and Schistosomiasis.
5) (CESGRANRIO) Elephantiasis or filariasis is a common parasitosis in the Amazon region. Its prophylaxis can be done by combating the vector insect and isolating and treating sick people. The causative agent and the intermediate host of this parasitosis are, respectively:
The) Ascaris lumbricoides and a gender mosquito Culex.
B) Wuchereria bancrofti and a mosquito of the genus Culex.
w) Wuchereria bancrofti and the snail.
d) Schistosoma mansoni and the filaria.
It is) Ancylostoma duodenale and the filaria.
6) The Phylum Nematoda, formerly called the Phylum Aschelminthes, includes animals that have a cylindrical, elongated body with tapered ends. Mark the alternative that correctly indicates two other characteristics of nematodes.
a) triploblastics and deuterostomes.
b) Protostomes and coelomates.
c) triploblastic and pseudocoelomate.
d) Coelomates and triploblastics.
e) Pseudocoelomates and deuterostomes.
7) (UNITAU) Representatives of the Phylum Nematoda are found parasitizing the digestive tract and other human organs. Which of the following species does not belong to the phylum?
The) Ascaris lumbricoides.
B) necator americanus.
w) Ancylostoma duodenale.
d) Taenia saginata.
It is) Wuchereria bancrofti.
8) (UEL) Nematodes are free-living or parasitic vermiform animals found in plants and animals, including man. Regarding the characteristics present in nematodes, consider the following statements.
I – Non-segmented body covered by cuticle;
II – complete digestive tract;
III – Specialized bodies for circulation;
IV – Pseudocoelom.
Only the statements are correct:
a) I and III.
b) I and IV.
c) II and III.
d) I, II and IV.
e) II, III and IV.
9) (UFV) Upon opening the envelope with the result of her parasitological examination of feces, Jequinha read “Positive for eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides”.
Which of the preventive measures for parasitic diseases listed below must not have been observed by Jequinha in her daily life?
a) Eat inspected and well-cooked pork or beef.
b) Wash hands and food well before meals.
c) Wear shoes so that the larva does not penetrate through the feet.
d) Put screens on the windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering Culex.
e) Do not swim in ponds that have snails Biomphalaria.
10) Animals have the most varied ways of performing gas exchange with the environment. Some species, such as man, carry out pulmonary respiration. Mark the alternative that indicates how nematode respiration is carried out.
a) Pulmonary.
b) Cutaneous.
c) Tracheal.
d) Branchial.
1 – the
2 – d
3 – b
4 – b
5 – b
6 – c
7 – d
8 – d
9 – b
10 – b
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