The Secretary of State for Education of Rondônia (SEDUC), made public notice No. 031/2019/SEGEP-GCP regarding the contest that aims to occupy 850 vacancies for various disciplines and in several municipalities. Salaries range from BRL 1,290.93 for 20 hours a week and BRL 2,581.86 for 40 hours a week.
The disciplines to be followed by the contractors will be: Arts, Biology, Physical Education, Religious Education, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Spanish Language, English Language, Portuguese Language, Mathematics, School Guidance, Pedagogy (Early Years), School Supervision, Chemistry and Sociology.
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The professionals will work in state public schools in the following regions: Ariquemes, Buritis, Cacoal, Cerejeiras, Costa Marques, Espigão do Oeste, Guajará-Mirim, Jaru, Ji-Paraná, Machadinho do Oeste, Ouro Preto do Oeste, Pimenta Bueno, Porto Velho, Rolim de Moura, São Francisco do Guaporé and Villena.
Vacancies are provisional and the contract will have a term of one year, and may be extended for the same period, only once.
Entries can be made until March 14, 2019, only online, on the Seduc-Ro website, at the following link: There is no registration fee.
Selective process
This selection process will not be based on exams. as the traditional model, but based on the analysis of titles, an eliminatory and classifying stage. The titles to be evaluated will be:
Specialization, master's or doctoral courses must be related to the field of education.
In the event of a tie score between candidates, the following criteria will be adopted:
This selection will have validity one year, from the homologation of the final result, with chances of extension for another year
The complete announcement with more information about the Selection Process is available on the SEDUC-RO