A Secretary of Education and Sports of Roraima (Seed-RR) announced, earlier this week, two selection processes for temporary hiring. There are 479 vacancies for substitute teachers and 251 for butlers.
For teachers, vacancies are aimed at basic education, at the Fundamental level from 6th to 9th grade, to High School and Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Opportunities are available in the cities of Boa Vista (127 in the urban area, 14 in the rural area), Alto Alegre (20), Amajari (19), Bonfim (10), Cantá (65), Caracaraí (41), Caroebe (21), Iracema (10), Mucajaí (44), Normandia (10), Pacaraíma (18), Rorainópolis (44), São João da Baliza (14), São Luiz (15) and Uramutã (07).
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The positions are remunerated according to the weekly workload: for 16 hours, the salary is R$1,483.45; 25 hours, R$2,317.90; and 30 hours, BRL 3,782.94. The duration of the contract for temporary vacancies is one year, with no possibility of extension.
Of the total vacancies, 10% are intended for people with disabilities. There will be formation of reserve register. The subjects covered by the opportunities are:
Applications for the selection process must be made this Friday (15th) and March 18th and 19th, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, at addresses in the capital Boa Vista and in the interior municipalities contemplated with vacancies in the notice. It is possible to apply for only one city and one discipline.
To register, the candidate must bring the completed registration form, deliver a legible copy of the related documents and take the originals for verification.
The selection will be made based on the evaluation of the professional qualification (diploma or certificate of completion of the full degree, accompanied by academic record), title complementary (course certificate in the intended subject with syllabus and workload equal to or greater than 60 hours) and length of service in teaching the subject intended.
Opportunities for butlers have a temporary contract lasting six months, with the possibility of renewal. The selection process also includes vacancies for people with disabilities and formation of a reserve register.
The 251 spaces are available in the urban areas of Normandia (03), Paracaíma (04), Uramutã (02), and in the urban and rural areas of Boa Vista (124), Alto Alegre (06), Amajari (03), Bonfim (06), Cantá (19), Caracaraí (20), Caroebe (10), Iracema (05), Mucajaí (19), Rorainópolis (21), São João da Baliza (05), São Luiz from Anaua (04).
The salary of the position is equivalent to a weekly workload of 40 hours. The remuneration is R$ 1,200.
To enroll in the selection process, you must attend this Friday (15) or March 18 and 19, from 8 am to 5 pm, at the addresses of the municipalities contemplated with vacancies in the public notice. The candidate must bring the completed registration form, deliver a legible copy of the required documents and take the originals for verification.
The selection will be made based on the complementary qualification (certificate, certificate or declaration of completion of primary or secondary education, accompanied by school transcripts, or certificate of a course in the area of pantry and kitchen, with a menu and a workload equal to or greater than 40 hours) and length of service.
Both notices were published in the Official Gazette of Roraima this Tuesday (12). To check them out in full, access here.