To the worms are diseases caused by wormsparasites that are contracted through eating contaminated food or contact with contaminated water in skin wounds.
We prepared a list of exercises on worms so that you can test your knowledge about these parasitic diseases.
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1) (UFMA) In sentences I and II, the gaps would be filled correctly by the alternative: I. A Wuchereria whitefti, also commonly known as filaria, causes ____________ in humans. II. The class Cestoda consists of endoparasitic animals. There are two species of tapeworms: the Taenia solium, found in the flesh of ____________ and the Taenia saginata, found in the flesh of ____________.
a) Enterobiosis, beef, pig.
b) Elephantiasis, pig, beef.
c) Enterobiosis, pig, beef.
d) Elephantiasis, beef, pig.
e) Ascariasis, pig, beef.
2) (Vunesp) There is a popular phrase used in certain regions regarding lakes and dams: “If you swam and then scratched it, it's because you caught it”. This phrase refers to infection by:
The) Plasmodium vivax.
B) trypanosoma cruzi.
w) Schistosoma mansoni.
d) Taenia solium.
It is) Ancylostoma duodenalis.
3) (FGV) Children who frequented a sand tank in the condominium where they lived presented, practically at the same time, a parasitosis popularly known as “geographic bug” or “larva migrans”, whose etiological agent is Ancylostoma Brazilian. Which of the animals listed below could have been responsible for the contamination of the sand?
a) Mice and birds.
b) Rats and pigeons.
c) Bats and pigeons.
d) Dogs and cats.
e) Parrots and pigeons.
4) (UFES) In order not to contract diseases such as cysticercosis and taeniasis, one should avoid, respectively:
a) eating poorly washed vegetables and eating undercooked beef or pork.
b) eating rare beef or pork and swimming in unknown ponds.
c) eating meat with cysticercus and eating rare beef or pork.
d) swims in unknown ponds and walks barefoot.
e) walk barefoot and eat poorly washed vegetables.
5) (ENEM) In Portinari's text, some of the people described are probably infected with the worm Schistosoma mansoni. The “men with huge bulging bellies” would correspond to patients with the so-called “water belly”. The life cycle of Schistosoma mansoni and the socio-environmental conditions of a place are determining factors for a higher or lower incidence of this disease. The increased incidence of schistosomiasis is due to the presence of:
a) rodents, high rainfall and the lack of vaccination programs.
b) host insects and infected individuals, the lack of vaccination programs.
c) infected individuals and intermediate hosts and the lack of basic sanitation.
d) mosquitoes, the lack of vaccination programs and the lack of control of standing water.
e) cats and contaminated food, and the absence of hygienic precautions.
6) (UECE) The roundworm is a worm that infests human organisms, causing ascariasis. It is characterized by being a pseudocoelomate organism and presenting cutaneous respiration. It is one:
a) Flatworm.
b) Coelenterate.
c) Roundworm.
d) annelid.
7) (FUVEST) In cysticercosis, man can play the role of intermediate host in the evolutionary cycle of Taenia solium (tapeworm). This happens because:
a) ingested tapeworm eggs.
b) walked barefoot on contaminated land.
c) was bitten by a “barber”.
d) ate pork or beef with tapeworm larvae.
e) swam in water with contaminated snails.
8) Verminoses are diseases caused by worms, that is, diseases caused by nematodes and flatworms. Among the diseases described below, which one is a worm caused by a flatworm?
a) Ascariasis.
b) hookworm.
c) Cholera.
d) Malaria.
i) Schistosomiasis.
9) (UECE) The Ascaris lumbricoides causes the most widespread verminosis in the world: ascariasis. About these worms, it can be correctly stated that:
a) they have a color that varies between white and yellowish, a smooth and shiny body, elongated and flattened.
b) males are larger than females and have the posterior end of the body strongly curved towards the ventral surface.
c) the intensity of the changes caused is independent of the number of larvae present in the host and, even minor infections cause serious symptoms such as liver damage and organ perforation, leading to death.
d) as a result of its high prevalence and its pathogenic action, this worm can be considered one of the causes of the nutritional underdevelopment of a large part of the population of countries underdeveloped.
10) (UFSM) About the invertebrates that cause diseases in humans, analyze the following statements:
I – If a person, through the consumption of raw meat, ingests tapeworm eggs, a nematode such as the roundworm, he can contract “taeniasis”.
II – The main preventive measures against schistosomiasis, popularly known as “water belly” and caused by a worm platyhelminth, consist of: building adequate sanitary facilities that prevent the contamination of bodies of water by eggs of the schistosome; fight the transmitting snail; avoid contact with water where there are transmitting snails.
III – Ascariasis is caused by the roundworm, a nematode worm, and the construction of adequate sanitary facilities and the use of shoes are the main preventive measures for the disease.
Is(are) correct:
a) I only.
b) II only.
c) only III.
d) only I and II.
e) only II and III.
1 – b
2 – c
3 – d
4 – the
5 – c
6 – c
7 – the
8 – and
9 – d
10 – d
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