Do you know what it means Folklore? The word is of English origin and means popular wisdom.
It is a set of traditions and popular manifestations that gain strength through legends, proverbs, myths, dances and customs passed down through generations.
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For the identity of a people, folklore is of great importance and is considered the cultural product of a country. For this reason, in each location its celebration takes place differently and has unique elements.
In Brazil, folklore is celebrated annually on the day August 22. In all parts of the country cultural demonstrations take place to highlight its importance.
The main popular festivals are: Carnival, Cavalhadas, Festas Juninas and Festa do Divino. Legends and myths are marked by peculiar figures, such as: Saci-Pererê, Mule without head, Negrinho do grazing, Werewolf, Curupira, Bicho-papão It is Boitatá.
In turn, when we talk about folk music and dances, we have at our disposal a variety of rhythms, such as: Frevo, Samba, Fandango, Xaxado, Xote, Maracatu, Pau-de-Fita and Quadrilha.
The nursery rhymes also could not be left out of our list of elements that make up Brazilian folklore, the best known are: Atirei o Pau no Gato, Escravos de Jó, Ciranda-cirandinha, O Cravo e a Rosa and Sapo Cururu.
All these mentioned elements are much explored in schools in the period that precedes the folkloric manifestations. In view of this, many teachers take advantage of this date to pass on activities related to the topic.
For this reason, we selected several folklore activities for early childhood education, exercises that can be very useful in the classroom. Check out the list below!
See too: printable educational activities