According to a survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), since 2013 the total number of active companies in Brazil has been reduced. However, those linked to the educational market have moved in the opposite direction, with an increase of 37.5%.
The survey was based on the Central Register of Companies, which reported that Brazil ended 2017 with just over 5 million active companies. That is, 6.73% less than in 2013, when this number surpassed 5.3 million.
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Based on the 20 segments listed by the National Classification of Economic Activities, ten had an increase in the number of companies, and the other ten had a decrease. With the highest growth of companies linked to education, and the one that most reduced is related to companies classified as Other Services.
That is, companies that include associative activity companies (such as NGOs and unions), computer equipment repair, communication and personal items, as well as companies related to personal services (domestic services, laundry, hairdressing, among others). others).
In relation to companies linked to education, in the last 4 years the numbers went from 1.3 million to almost 1.8 million, which means an increase of 37.5%.
Companies linked to Education are classified into 3 legal groups: public administration; business entities, ie private companies; and non-profit entities. Since, according to the IBGE, the three were discharged in the last 4 years.
However, among the three, the ones that had the most expressive growth were non-profit companies, with a growth of 124.1%. While public companies had an increase of 28.6%, and private companies an increase of only 8.2%.
Regarding this increase, it is not possible through this research to evaluate what led to the expressive growth in this segment. In an interview, IBGE researcher Denise Guichard Freire says that some segments survive the crisis better than others, as is also the case with health.
However, from 2016 to 2017 it was possible to observe an increase in employed persons who had complete higher education, in addition there was also an increase in the number of women in the job market. work.
According to the researcher, this is due to health and education being segments in which women are more employed than men.
In addition, the survey also revealed that the wage gap between men and women in Brazil has fallen. If before, men received, on average, 25% more than women, in 2017 this percentage was 20.7%.
This happened because women are more active in the labor market, since segments such as education and health are on the rise, and employ more women than men.
As Denise states: “Women had higher real earnings than men precisely because of more feminine activities, which are health and education. So, the increase in the participation of women in the occupation reduced this wage gap”
In addition to all the information, the IBGE survey also reported that compared to 2016, there was a 0.4% reduction in the number of active companies in 2017, which means 21 thousand closed companies.
However, there was a 1% increase in employed persons, that is, 550.7 thousand people were employed in the year. This does not mean that the crisis is over, but according to the IBGE researcher, at least the recessive situation has not worsened.