The income tax amount can be a bit heavy for your pocket, especially depending on how much you earn. However, in addition to the various exemptions that help many people, it is possible to earn a significant discount when making the payment. For this, the Federal Revenue will use as a criterion the donation to charities that the organization itself defines. So if you want to know more about how to get income tax deduction, read on and discover all the criteria behind this initiative.
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The Revenue divides donors into two groups: those who have made previous donations and those who are currently donating. In the case of the former, prior donations will guarantee a 6% discount on the total amount to be paid in Income Tax. For this, the citizen will need to have made payment to the following targeted institutions:
However, the donor needs to be aware, since the amount for these projects is based on the Income Tax itself. In other words, it differs from other expenses that must use the calculation basis of the declarations.
However, if you forgot to donate or did not know about this possibility, there is still time to do this good deed. This is because the amount can be delivered at the exact moment of payment of the Income Tax. However, in these cases, the worker will receive a somewhat smaller discount, of exactly 3%.
Even so, it's still worth donating to help people in need. Thus, you guarantee a minimally fairer world, at the same time that you will improve the lives of people in vulnerable situations. Remembering that the donations will always refer to the previous year of the moment of the transfer and that, therefore, will work as an amount on the amount paid. Therefore, donations made in 2022 will be based on the value of 2021, and so on.