Registration for the University for All Program (ProUni) begins tomorrow (31). However, students can already plan. Candidates can, for example, prepare lists of courses they are interested in. In addition, evaluate the possibilities of being approved and separate the necessary documents.
The tip of the Higher Education analyst at Quero Bolsa, Pedro Amâncio, is to select the teaching, taking into account both the cut-off grade and the distance and cost of living to study in them.
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Students can still begin to gather the necessary documentation for approval of granting the scholarship. “Many students end up losing their scholarships for not reading the announcement properly. They must have a document that validates the information provided”, he says.
After registering, students should pay attention to the ProUni page. It is there that the cut-off notes will be disclosed. These are estimates made with the entries made so far. They are not a guarantee of a place, but they can guide the choice.
Applications for ProUni can be made from January 31st to February 3rd. The results of the first call will be announced on February 6th. The ones from the second call, on the 20th of February.
The pre-selected candidate in the first call must attend the institution to prove the information provided in your registration and eventual participation in the institution's own selection process, when applicable, from 6 to 14 February. Those pre-selected in the second call, from the 20th to the 27th of February.
The registration of the approval or disapproval of candidates in the Prouni Computerized System and the issuance of the respective Scholarship Award terms or Rejection terms by the educational institutions must be done between February 6th and 18th for those selected in the first call and between February 20th and March 1st for those selected in the second call.
ProUni offers scholarships at private institutions of higher education. The program is aimed at those who took the 2018 National High School Examination (Enem), achieved at least 450 points and scored more than zero in the essay.
In addition, only Brazilian students without a university degree and who have completed high school in the public system or as a full-time scholarship student at the university can participate. private network, students who attended high school in the public network and the other part in the private network, as scholarship holders or who are disabled physicists.
Full scholarships are aimed at those with a per capita family income of up to one and a half minimum wages. Partial scholarships of 50% are intended for students who have a per capita family income of up to three minimum wages.
Public school teachers can also apply for the scholarship and do not need to meet the income criteria. The information is from Agência Brasil.