The Law area is one of the most requested and traditional in the whole world. It is among the most sought after courses and has a wide open market.
In a scenario of innumerable job possibilities and broad competitiveness, those who seek acquire greater knowledge outside the classroom environment have an advantage and manage to highlight.
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If you are already a lawyer, judge, prosecutor or interested in the area of Law, History and Politics, know that it is now possible to learn much more without the need for financial investment.
The good news is that the OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil) released 80 digital law books for free download, which are available in its Digital Library.
The materials bring information on the most different topics, which can be downloaded in just one click. After selecting the book of interest, the Library releases the file in PDF format.
In order to facilitate the research of Internet users who aim to learn more about Law or related subjects, the portal also provides details of each work, such as the author's name, year of publication and synopsis of content.
Check out some of the most popular materials in the Digital Library below:
With the intention of improving culture and education in Brazil, the portal will be periodically updated with new books and publications, says the OAB.
To check all the materials available on the platform, Click here!