transcription and translation are phases of protein synthesis determined by DNA. This process takes place in cytoplasm cells and involves other elements such as the RNA, organelles, enzymes It is amino acids to form the correct sequence.
We prepared a list of exercises on transcription and translation so you can test your knowledge of protein synthesis.
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1) (UFAM) The production of a protein is processed basically in two phases. Looking at the diagram below, find the corresponding alternative:
Gene (DNA) → RNA → Proteins
a) transmission; translation.
b) transcription; translation.
c) translation; transcription.
d) transcription; transcription.
e) translation; translation.
2) Consider a segment of a DNA molecule with the following sequence of bases: AAT – CAA – AGA – TTT – CCG. How many amino acids can a protein molecule made up of the segment under consideration have at most?
a) 15.
b) 10.
c) 5.
d) 3.
e) 1.
3) (UNIFOR) Consider a transfer RNA whose anticodon is CUG. The corresponding codon in messenger RNA and the triplet of nucleotides in the strand of DNA that is transcribed are, respectively:
a) CTG and GAC.
b) TAC and GUC.
c) AUT and CAG.
d) CUG and CTG.
e) GAC and CTG.
4) (PUC MG) A double strand of DNA with 320 nucleotides will form, in transcription, RNA-m with a number of nucleotides equal to:
a) 160.
b) 319.
c) 320.
d) 321.
i) 159.
5) Analyze the alternatives below, related to the genetic code.
i. A single codon can code for more than one amino acid.
II. An amino acid can be encoded by different codons.
III. The code used in the human species is the same as in viruses.
They are correct:
a) I and II.
b) I and III.
c) II and III.
d) II only.
e) I, II and III.
6) (UFS) The selection of each amino acid that enters the polypeptide chain composition is determined by a sequence of:
a) 2 nucleotides of DNA.
b) 2 RNA nucleotides.
c) 3 RNA nucleotides.
d) 3 DNA deoxyriboses.
e) 3 riboses of messenger RNA.
7) (UFERSA) Consider the definitions of the area of Genetics that are mentioned below.
i. Alleles are versions of a gene.
II. Genes are the portions of DNA that transcribe.
III. Transcription is the process of protein synthesis.
Which ones are correct?
a) Only I and II.
b) Only I and III.
c) Only II and III.
d) I, II and III.
8) (PUC SP) The same molecule — RNA — that won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology on Monday was the protagonist of the Chemistry prize awarded yesterday. The American Roger Kornberg, from Stanford University, was honored for recording in images the moment when the genetic information contained in the DNA in the nucleus of the cell is translated to be sent out by RNA - the star of week. This transcription mechanism, by means of which the RNA carries with it the instructions for the production of proteins (which is why it gets the name messenger RNA), was already known by scientists since the 1990s. of 50. Girardi, G. RNA study earns second Nobel Prize — O Estado de S. Paul, 5 Oct. 2006.
From reading the above passage and your knowledge of Molecular Biology, mark the incorrect alternative.
a) The production of messenger RNA occurs by control of the genetic material.
b) In the nucleus of the cell, transcription of the code from the DNA molecule to RNA occurs.
c) Messenger RNA carries instructions transcribed to it by DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
d) In the cytoplasm, messenger RNA determines the sequence of amino acids presented by a protein.
e) Each messenger RNA molecule is a long sequence of nucleotides identical to DNA.
9) (UECE) – Nucleic acids are macromolecules that make up the genetic material of all living beings. About nucleic acids, mark the correct one.
a) DNA is replicated through a process called gene transcription.
b) Messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized from transfer RNA (tRNA).
c) A polypeptide chain is the result of the union of amino acids according to the codon sequence of the messenger RNA.
d) Viruses are unicellular beings and their nucleic acids are very important for microbiological studies.
10) Regarding protein synthesis, it is wrong to state that:
a) one of the DNA strands is transcribed, forming a messenger RNA molecule.
b) translation of the messenger RNA strand is carried out on the ribosomes.
c) Ribosomes originate from the nucleolus.
d) each messenger RNA encodes a polypeptide chain.
e) each transfer RNA has a specific anticodon, which attaches to the amino acid that it will transport to the ribosome.
1 – b
2 – c
3 – and
4 – the
5 – c
6 – c
7 – the
8 – and
9 – c
10 – and
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