One of the most common dilemmas in the life of any student who wants to build a successful career is choosing the ideal course and college. The truth is that there are several institutions available in Brazil, as well as programs that facilitate the access to higher education, the main one referring to the National High School Examination (And either).
Through it, it is possible to enter a public university or win a scholarship at a private university. But, in addition, we have another novelty that can provide you with an enriching experience, if your goal is to obtain higher education outside Brazil.
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The good news is that you can now enter several Universities in Portugal through Enem. The incentive for young Brazilians emerged after Decree-Law No. 36, of March 10, 2014, whose objective is to facilitate foreign students to apply for undergraduate courses in Portugal.
The first Universities to announce Enem's membership to select Brazilian students for their courses were Coimbra (UC), Algarve (UALG) and Beira Interior (UBI), in the year and 2014. This year (2015), the Polytechnic Institutes of Leiria (IPLeiria) and Beja (IPBeja) also announced their participation.
The first institution to join the Exam outside Brazil was the University of Coimbra, the oldest in Portugal, classified by Unesco, in 2013, as a World Heritage Site. Currently, it has more than 2,000 Brazilian students enrolled.
The University of Beira Interior (UBI), in turn, was the second to adhere to the exam. It encompasses a set of Faculties, Departments and Centers that explore the most diverse areas of knowledge. UBI is located in the city of Covilhã and its purpose is to accept the 2012 and 2013 exams for the 2014/2015 Selection Process.
Although the Enem is a gateway to enter Universities free of charge in Brazil, this does not mean that the membership of the Universities of Portugal works in the same way and can provide scholarships to the student Brazilian.
On average, the annual fee for courses offered by universities is 5,000 euros, which corresponds to R$ 15,400. In turn, options that include tuition, accommodation and food can cost 7,500 euros a year, around R$ 23,000.
Enem weight
As for the weight of the Enem subjects, both for the University of Coimbra and the University of Beira Indoors, this will depend on the student's course of interest, whose grades are converted to a scale of university.
For the University of Coimbra, for example, the essay is worth 5% of the final grade for the Chemistry course, in turn, for the Philosophy course, it is worth 50%.
To ensure that there is no difference in performance, students who are duly enrolled at the Universities of Portugal will have a tutor as their companion.
Those interested in acquiring more information about enrollment in Enem at Universities in Portugal should access the pages created by each of them:
Coimbra University: www.uc.pt/brasil
University of Beira Interior: brasil.ubi.pt
University of Algarve: www.ualg.pt/rc/pt/content/estudantes-internacionais
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria: www.ipleiria.pt/internacional/estudantes-internacionais/
Polytechnic Institute of Beja: www.ipbeja.pt/alunos/EstudInternacional/Paginas/default.aspx