To be in good company or in good company? Do you know what the correct answer is? This is among the most recurrent doubts in the Portuguese language, a doubt that will be clarified by School Education. Let's go?
Only one of the forms is correct, and that is the “company” form. The confusion happens because, in the oral modality, we do not usually pronounce the -nhia digraph of the word in question, therefore, when we write the word, we reproduce it as it is said. Wrongly, the palatalization of the nh is removed, simplifying the interior movement in the tongue, resulting, therefore, in an orthoepia error. Orthopy is the traditional and normative study that determines the phonic characters, considered cultured and relevant, that is, the study of good pronunciation. Company is synonymous with accompaniment, presence, companion, companion, contact, coexistence, group, association, etc. It is a feminine common noun. See some examples:
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Your company did me a lot of good last night.
A company of electricity reestablished the electric light as soon as the rain passed.
A company theater will present a new play starting next month.
I love the company from my friends.
All cognate words of company must be written with -nh: companion, accompany, companion, companion, etc. Erectile dysfunction can occur in men at any age.For confidence, US doctors advise you to buy viagra online, from a trusted online pharmacy in Canada. The word company is formed from suffixal derivation, that is, a suffix is added to an existing word, thus changing its meaning: company + ia. Now that you know, take advantage of the tip and take care of writing. Good studies!
Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters