To the coordinated prayers maintain independent syntactic relations with other clauses. It can be classified into asyndetic and syndetic.
Asyndetic coordinated clauses appear linked to others without a syndet, that is, without a connecting element.
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Syndetic coordinated clauses, on the other hand, appear linked to others with syndet. Within this class there are several branches such as: additive, adversative, alternative, conclusive and explanatory.
Considering these concepts, below test your knowledge about coordinated clauses. Remember that Enem and major entrance exams often charge for this content.
01. (VUNESP: 2013 – adapted) In –” …the result not only of the population’s new access to cars but also of the need for a greater number of trips…” –, the highlighted terms establish a relationship between:
The explanation
B) opposition
C) alternation
D) conclusion
E) addition
02. (Espcex 2017) “For the first time in history, researchers managed to design the genome of a living being (a bacterium, for be more exact) It is successfully 'install' it in a cell, as who installs an application on the cell phone. It's quite an achievement, no doubt. Paradoxically, although, the very success of the American Craig Venter and his colleagues makes it clear how much there is still a long way to go for what humanity master the secrets of life. About a third of the DNA in the new bacterium (dubbed syn3.0) was put there by sheer trial and error – scientists have absolutely no idea why it is essential.” Leaf of St. Paul, 26/03/2016.
The informative text above, which presents to the public the creation of a bacterium with only genes essential to life, contains several connectives, purposely highlighted. It can be stated that:
The) for starts a conditional adverbial clause, as it restricts the genome to the condition of bacteria
B) It is introduces an additive syndetic coordinate clause as it adds the project to the genome facility
w) as introduces a conformative adverbial clause, as it expresses agreement or conformity of one fact with another.
d) although indicates concession, as it expresses a fact that is admitted in opposition to the main clause
It is) for what expresses an explanation: there is a long way to go for humanity to master the secrets of life
03. (UNEMAT-2009) Analysis of the functioning of the conjunctions highlighted in the following statements.
i. how to protect your money
The new guide for you to understand the effect of the global crisis on your pocket – It is the best strategies to face these tight times. (Time, 02/28/09)
II. Internet without leaving the couch
New technologies bring videos from the network to the TV in the living room. Therefore, begins a new battle for your audience. (Adapted. season, 02/28/09)
III. The raw, baked and boiled truth
A new study into the effects of meat suggests it can be harmful – but just in excess. It's the missing argument for anyone who loves a filet. (Time, 02/28/09)
The conjunctions “and”, “Therefore” and “but” establish between sentences, respectively, the relationship of:
a) addition – explanation – conclusion
b) addition – conclusion – opposition
c) separation – explanation – opposition
d) addition – deletion – justification
e) explanation – conclusion – opposition
04. (FCMMG-2012) “We are pacifists but we do not give up scientific studies and manipulations that intertwine, whether for war or peaceful purposes”.
the conjunction but, highlighted in the fragment, establishes a logical-semantic relationship of:
a) addition
b) explanation
c) concession
d) alternation
e) adversity
05. (Ibade) The sentence “Black and white designate, therefore, essentially political categories” is coordinated:
a) assyndetic.
b) additive.
c) adversarial.
d) conclusive.
e) nominal complement.
06.(AOCP) The excerpt highlighted in “Wolton justifies himself by saying that the internet is incredible for communication between people and groups that have the same interests, but it is far from being a cohesion communication tool between different people and groups.” is prayer:
a) additive syndetic coordinate
b) adversative syndetic coordinate
c) conclusive syndetic coordinate
d) asyndetic coordinate
e) explanatory syndetic coordinate
07. (Year: 2017/Bank: MS CONCURSOS) “I work very hard. I'm a perfectionist. I write my songs, I have my own ideas, I help with my clothes” (Rolling Stone).
In the above period, we have:
a) Syndetic coordinate clauses only
b) Adverbial subordinate clauses only
c) Coordinate and subordinate clauses
d) Only asyndetic coordinate clauses
08.(Year: 2017/Banca: MS CONCURSOS) In “Take advice with wine, but make decisions with water”, we have:
a) An asyndetic coordinate clause and another adversative syndetic clause
b) An asyndetic coordinate clause and an alternative syndetic coordinate clause
c) An asyndetic coordinate clause and another conclusive syndetic coordinate clause
d) An asyndetic coordinate clause and another explanatory syndetic coordinate clause
09.Read carefully and mark the alternative syndetic clause.
a) There is a shortage of meat on the market; get to know vegetarian food
b) The road was dangerous, however everyone wanted to photograph it
c) Sometimes he loved Louis, sometimes he loved Henri deeply
d) He approached and observed everything around him
e) I'm going out, it's too hot
10. Read carefully and mark the asyndetic coordinate clause.
a) I loved, I surrendered, I deceived myself, I left.
b) The doctors were competent, but I hardly saw them.
c) I managed to do the activity, so I am free.
d) I am a teacher, because I believe in education.
e) My marriage is over, but I still miss him.
2) B
3) B
4) And
5) D
6) B
7) D
8) The
9) C
10) The
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