On Friday (26), the Municipality of Cruzeiro, in the state of São Paulo, opened registration for the Public tender nº 01/2019, intended to select candidates of medium, technical and higher levels for the occupation of 109 vacancies.
The contest will be organized and carried out by the company Publiconsult ACP.
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Positions with vacancies are:
To work 30 or 40 hours a week, salaries reach R$ 1,918.50.
Applications will be accepted from April 26 to May 26, 2019, exclusively through the website www.publiconsult.com.br. The registration fee is R$ 12.90.
Candidates who do not have internet access may use a computer at the Integrated Development Center (CID) – Acessa São Paulo Program, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, except holidays, located at Rua Dr. Celestino, nº 1620 – Vila Canevari – Cruzeiro, upon registration and presentation of the ID
Candidates with disabilities will be allocated 5% of the vacancies to be filled in each position/job/function, depending on the classification obtained, except if it requires full aptitude from the candidate or if his attributions are incompatible with the disability presented by the candidate.
The contest will consist of objective written test (all positions) and titles (Special Education Teacher and Libras Teacher - Brazilian Sign Language). The objective test will be administered on June 16, 2019, at a time and place yet to be announced by the examining board.
The validity of the public tender is two years, counted from its approval, which may be extended for an equal period.