What is a Cognitivist Approach?? A cognitive approach it is a way of explaining how the external world manages to influence creativity, that is, it is a scientific way of studying learning based on factors external to people.
This approach is multidisciplinary. So, several areas of knowledge try to explain how the environment generates an individual's knowledge.
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Learn about some prominent areas in relation to the cognitive approach.
The author of this theory, Howard Gardner, deals with areas in which human beings find it easier to learn. Gardner defines intelligence as the ability to contribute products that are valued in one or more community settings.
With this, Howard Gardner defines seven types of multiple intelligences, which are:
Already Jean Piaget, has in his theory that knowledge is acquired from the interaction between man and the world. According to him, it is possible for man to influence the world and for the world to influence man.
In this way, knowledge is not a concrete thing, but continuous. Therefore, Piaget defines two stages in knowledge. These are:
In this theory, it is stated that for the human being to understand something, it is necessary to represent it mentally. In this way, this knowledge is stored in memory for a longer time. This applies both to specific knowledge and to moral or cultural knowledge.
If the representation is not possible, the individual will represent according to his own reasoning, in order to understand the situation. This is how problems are solved.
Thinking about it, knowledge is reinforced according to the ways in which it was represented. This can be through ready-made representations (when the individual sees the already instructed representation) and through discovery (trial and error).
Artificial intelligence is a very old concept that involves several areas of knowledge, such as Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics and Psychology. Thus, this model creates computational systems based on human intelligence.
This becomes effective from the moment that these technologies are implanted only what is quality in the human being, pondering this system for what is relevant for the man.
In addition, artificial intelligence has the ability to accelerate the production of concepts and even offer more ideas with greater amplitudes.
Thus, it is possible to state that the more a person knows how to reason according to the visual mentality, the easier it will be when transitioning from these fields. Thus, greater is your creative potential.