About 400 million years ago the planet Earth consisted of only one continent: Pangea, which after millions of years was fragmented, giving rise to two large continents: Laurasia and Gondwana.
With the movement of tectonic plates new continents emerged, giving rise to the current configuration of the planet, formed by six great continents.
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Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, America and Antarctica encompass the world map.
Separated by oceans Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and the sets of Glacial Antarctic and Arctic Glacial seas, the specific characteristics of the continents allow us to understand about the world.
THEME: continents and oceans
Through continents and oceans lesson plan, students will be able to:
1. Ask if students know what does culture mean. Discuss which answers are correct and explain the definition.
“Culture that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.
2. Ask students about how culture, animals and even land forms may be affected by the weather.
3. On Power Point, show pictures of Antarctica and ask students if they know what culture is like on a continent as cold as that. Explain that because it is a very cold place and few people live there, it is difficult to find out much about the culture. Prompt students to think about the advantages and disadvantages of living in such a remote location and living with a small number of people for a long period of time.
4. Ask students how many continents there are. Graph the answers on the board.
5. Ask students how many were born in Brazil, then ask what continent were they born on? If there is someone who was born elsewhere, ask the name of the country and if the student knows the name of the continent.
6. Distribute the material available for download that contains the countries and ask the students to answer about the climate, ways of life, animals and culture. Demonstrate how students should fill it out. They will put facts that will be in PowerPoint and from their own research.
7. Leave slides with PowerPoint information visible for search.
8. Demonstrate how students can look up more information about countries and discuss with them what cultures would be like in those countries.
9. Show students a map of the world on which the continents are written, then give students a blank world map to color in and identify the 7 continents and 4 oceans.
2. Ask students to imagine that they are visiting these countries. Ask them to write down 2 similarities and 2 differences between the customs of one country and their own.
Ask students:
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