Brazil has 35% of people of working age who have not completed elementary school. The data were released on Thursday, May 16, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and are part of the National Household Sample Survey (Pnad) of the first quarter of 2019.
Elementary education is the second stage of basic education, aimed at the population aged 6 to 14, and lasts nine years.
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North and Northeast are the regions with the lowest educational level, that is, more people have not completed this stage of education in this part of the country.
In the North, 44.1% of those aged over 14 had not finished elementary school. In the Northeast, the index is 38.7%.
The Southeast region concentrates the highest rate of access to studies: 29.2% of Brazilians with over 14 years old had not completed elementary school, followed by Midwest (33.5%) and South (34%).
IBGE data also indicate that 48% of all Brazilians aged over 14 in the first quarter of 2019 completed at least high school.
Among the employed population, the majority (60.3%) had completed at least high school, 20.7% had higher education and 25% only elementary school.
A low level of education can affect Brazilians' chances of employment. IBGE data indicate that 5.2 million unemployed are looking for work more than 1 year ago.
Unemployment rose in 14 of the 27 federation units in the 1st quarter. The highest unemployment rates were observed in Amapá (20.2%), Bahia (18.3%) and Acre (18.0%), and the lowest in Santa Catarina (7.2%), Rio Grande do Sul (8.0%) and Paraná and Rondônia (both with 8.9%). In São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the rates were 13.5% and 15.3%, respectively.
(Source: G1 News)
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