After completing a certain graduation course, it is common to ask a question: among the infinite ramifications of the profession, which segment should I follow or improve? For law graduates, this question is even more significant, as there are several attractive and democratic options in the job market.
Generally, these professionals seek to improve themselves to obtain better job proposals, with higher positions and salaries. Based on this premise, one of the most desired fields refers to that of Federal Judge, as in addition to being a position of great prestige in society, it also offers differentiated remuneration.
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But to reach this position, it takes a lot of determination, effort and competence. The path of preparation is long, but it can still be achieved. The good news is that candidates considered average have a 50% chance of being approved in the contest for federal judiciary.
In Brazil, the Federal Judge is the one who processes and judges the facts that are processed in the Federal Court. common law, which in turn is renowned for judging cases involving the Union and its entities. federal.
First, it is important to mention that this position is sought after by many professionals who want to build a successful career. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to go through some procedures that often demand time and dedication, and the preparation time lasts an average of three years.
The first step is to complete the law course, which takes an average of five years. The specifics of the course are directly related to the position of Federal Judge, as it refers to the science that takes care of the application of legal laws, defined by a State.
The main purpose of these laws is to organize the relationships between individuals and groups that make up society. Therefore, those who undertake to follow the profession are responsible for ensuring the correction relations between citizens, companies and the public power, having as reference the laws Brazilian.
After completing the course and passing the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) exam, the professional is faced with a very broad and democratic field of work. Under these conditions, you will be able to act as a lawyer, police chief, prosecutor, Federal Judge, among other options.
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But how to become a Federal Judge? In addition to a higher degree in Law and the OAB card, the professional needs to enroll in a public tender launched by the Government of the country. The candidate will be evaluated through tests of theoretical and practical knowledge and also by their professional titles.
Some of the main disciplines that fall in the competition tests for Federal Judge are: Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Financial Law, Tax Law, Business Law, Environmental Law, Social Security Law, among others others.
To occupy the position of Federal Judge, the approved person needs to be appointed to the initial position of Substitute Judge, who also has a promising salary.
In the Justice segment in Brazil, the Federal Judge is one of the professionals who receive the highest salaries. At the beginning of his career, that is, in the position of Substitute Judge, he earns approximately R$ 23,997.19. This value can be expanded according to the experience and specialization acquired by the professional throughout his career.
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But the financial advantages don't stop there. In addition to the monthly salary, the Federal Judge also receives other important benefits, which significantly contribute to his/her safety and quality of life.
Some of the benefits offered to the professional are: day care assistance, health assistance, transportation allowance, cost allowance, transport and moving allowance, meal allowance, food aid, among others.