Some words become more recurrent in the vocabulary, through its constant use or adaptation to the current scenario. These are not always part of Portuguese language, but from being used so much they gain space in the language.
Others assume different characteristics in the sentence. Can be substantive or adjective, everything will vary according to its insertion in the sentence or in the orality.
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Eloquent is one of those, because you can be eloquent or just be eloquent.
The word eloquent derives from the Latin eloquent, whose meaning is to apply language fluidly, being persuasive and capable of convincing.
Therefore, having Latin roots, as already mentioned, the “e” is an abbreviation of the preposition “ex” (out of) and “loqui” (to speak). Therefore, being eloquent is being able to convey words fluidly and with the power of persuasion in communication.
Thus, an eloquent individual is one who can express strong emotions, using a well-designed language to persuade and convince. Among his attributes are having the gift of oratory, having ease in communication and being convincing in speech.
However, being eloquent does not mean using elaborate and difficult language, but using it in a simple way that captivates the interlocutor.
In the text, the eloquent style can designate a fluent and well-written text, consistent with the eloquence of the author's words.
In summary, eloquence it is not seeking to convince or persuade someone with the intention of deceiving. On the contrary, it is the possibility of presenting the ability to know how to express oneself, in an articulate and convincing way.
In the ancient Greeks, the word eloquent was already present. An example is the characteristic of one of the daughters of Zeus, Calliope, she was seen as the muse of epic poetry and eloquence.
Eloquent has many synonyms. See some of them:
expressive, convincing, persuasive, significant, significant, convincing, clear, relevant, suasive, persuasive, eloquent, verbose, eloquent, wordy, well-spoken, lofty, lofty, magniloquent, magniloquent, desert.
Learning several languages is a matter of a year or two; to be eloquent on its own requires half a lifetime.
Their silence is an eloquent statement.
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
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