President Jair Bolsonaro signed the bill that regulates the home education of children and adolescents. The practice is known as homeschooling. According to the Planalto Palace, the text brings the minimum requirements that parents or legal guardians must meet to exercise this option.
Such requirements include registration on a platform to be offered by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the possibility of evaluation. The proposal was part of the instruments signed at a ceremony at the Planalto Palace that marked the passage of the 100 days of government.
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At first, the government had planned to issue a provisional measure (MP) on home education, as informed yesterday (10) by the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves.
In a press conference this Wednesday, the Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic, Minister Onyx Lorenzoni, said that the government had resolved submit a bill to the National Congress in the understanding that its processing will bring more security to the family that wants to adopt this modality of teaching.
To become law, the provisional measure needs to be approved by Congress within 120 days. Otherwise, it will lose its validity. “What if it [MP] expires, and if it falls due to the lapse of time? What about the families that opted for this method? And the children, will they be left without safeguards? Are you going to miss that school year? So it was a measure to protect children,” said Onyx.
Last year, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) did not recognize the homeschooling of children. For the Court, the Constitution only provides for the public or private education model, whose enrollment is mandatory, and there is no law authorizing the measure.
According to the rationale adopted by the majority of STF justices, the request made in the appeal, which discussed the possibility of homeschooling be considered lawful, it cannot be accepted, since there is no legislation that regulates precepts and rules applicable to this modality of teaching.