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She was Queen of England in the 2nd marriage of King Henry VIII. The woman had a strong and determined personality, as in the film “The Other”, from 2008.
Anne Boleyn was accused of witchcraft by her own husband for leading him to distance the country's politics from the Catholic Church.
The accusation was also about revenge for not giving birth to a boy, heir to the throne, but a baby girl. Child who later became Queen Elizabeth I, or Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen.
Anne Boleyn would also have suffered an abortion in which the fetus was born full of deformations. The fact that the queen had six fingers on one hand also helped to support the accusation of witchcraft.
Due to so many accusations, she was tragically beheaded in May 19, 1536 at the Tower of London.
She was a great warrior who fought in the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), when France, her country, faced rival England. Joan of Arc was canonized (made a saint) in 1920.
Born in 1412, Joan as a child D'Arc she witnessed the murder of members of her family by English soldiers who invaded the village where she lived.
After the event, she began to be affected by many voices and also visions, which she said were of Saints Miguel, Catarina and Margarida.
In the messages passed through her voices and visions, Joana was guided to she joins the French army and helps her kingdom in the war against England.
Motivated by the messages, she cut her hair very short, dressed as a man and began military training.
With time in training, she was accepted into the French army, even commanding troops. Her important victories and the recognition she gained from King Charles VII aroused the envy of other French military leaders.
The military began to conspire against her and diminished the king's support for Joan of Arc. In 1430, during a battle in Paris, Joan was wounded and captured by the Burgundians who sold her to the English.
In prison she was accused of sorcery, on account of her visions, and sentenced to death by burning. She was burned alive in the city of Rouen in the year 1431.
Margaret was a midwife and practiced medicine with herbs, leaves and roots. She made liqueurs and syrups. Margaret lived in Massachusetts Bay Colony, New England, United States.
She lived between 1613 and 1648 and was identified as a witch, because she was perhaps poisoning the patients who came to her because they were very ill.
The witch was the first person to be executed for witchcraft during the Massachusetts Witch Hunt period, she was hanged on June 15, 1648.
In Scotland there is a monument six meters high built with stones, which resembles a tomb.
It reads: “Maggie Wall burned here. 1657 as a witch”.
The truth is that it is not known if Maggie really existed, there is no record of her trial as a witch or anything that proves that she really existed.
But the fact is that the monument is more visited than the tomb of Elvis Presley, rock star.
And many of the visitors leave requests and engraved messages for the witch Maggie Wall that would have been signed at the stake.
Catherine Deshayes, better known by the pseudonym La Voisin, she was a French healer.
Rich and powerful women in Paris sought her out to perform abortions, create love potions and poisons.
The witch became famous and rich with so much demand. However, she was arrested and convicted of witchcraft, and at the trial, the fact that she was seen as a promiscuous wife weighed in at the time of the verdict. La Voisin was publicly burned in the center of Paris in the year 1680.
In the 17th century several women were burned in Germany in the Fulda Witch Trials (1603-1606), a witch hunt promoted in the country.
The case of Merga Bien is quite well known, as she was accused of being impregnated by the devil.
The witch had been married for 14 years and still had no children. However, when her husband died, Merga was pregnant.
Due to the witch-hunting climate that was going on at the time, Merga was accused of killing her husband and having sexual relations with Satan himself.
Tortured, the woman had to confess the crimes and died burned at the stake during the reign of Balthasar von Dernbach (1548 – 1606).
Ursula Southeil, called Mother Shipton, was a 16th-century English prophetess. She predicted the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London.
She had an appearance that was not very accepted by beauty standards and, therefore, her opponents called her “witch face” and “devil's bastard”.
She was born in Knaresborough Cave, the site became Mother Shipton's Cave and became a tourist attraction for curious visitors.
The voodoo queen of New Orleans, she was a very attractive and seductive woman. Many people sought her out in search of healing from illnesses.
She was in the habit of offering shelter in her house to the homeless and hungry.
In 1881 Marie Laveau died at the age of 98 of natural causes. The tomb where she is buried receives messages, offerings and requests from people who hope for the granting of wishes.
When a wish comes true, people return to the witch's grave and leave three letters "X".