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O Ministry of Education (MEC) released the official calendar of National High School Exam (Enem) of 2020, with the dates of enrollment, fee exemption requests and exam application.
However, in the face of the pandemic new coronavirus (Covid-19), the classes of several educational institutions, mainly the public network, were completely paralyzed during this period.
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This measure has the consequences of interrupting the preparation of countless Brazilian students to take the Enem. In this way, senators presented two projects to be analyzed and possibly interfere with the continuity of the Enem 2020 calendar, as well as its application.
The Senate Agency specified as one of the problems and reasons for this evaluation the loss of time for the preparation of students and the lack of application of mandatory and essential subjects.
These efforts with the presentation of bills emerged after the Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) disclose the application dates of the Enem 2020 digital tests, scheduled for the 11th and 18th of October.
A Senator Daniella Ribeiro (PP/PB) was responsible for presenting one of the projects, nº 1,277/2020. This project aims to change the guidelines and bases of national education so that classes are administered by through distance learning systems (EaD) in situations of emergency or public calamity, including the moment current.
In addition, it also provides for the immediate extension of the tests and school activities necessary to enter universities, in the face of the same previous situations.
The second project was presented by Senator Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF). Bill (PL) 137/2020 specifies the suspension of notices with the dates of the 2020 tests published by the Federal Government.
This determination in the PL is accompanied by the declaration of the inadequate situation to publish such public notices, when all efforts are aimed at reducing the spread of Covid-19, along with isolation Social.
Part of the discussion about the application of the tests is the fact that many of the students who sign up to take the exam are students who would finish high school in 2020. However, its activities were restricted or suspended due to the pandemic.
Thus, students would not have the correct time to make up for lost activities and take the exam fairly in an attempt to enter universities.
In addition, there are many obstacles to online teaching, when many Brazilians do not have easy access to necessary technologies.
Not all students are able to carry out their studies and follow distance classes in preparation for the test, without access to the internet, internet cafes, banks and lottery outlets, which are also necessary for registration.
The Senate Education Commission, the institution that represents the state secretaries of education in Brazil, was in favor of postponing the Enem 2020 schedule.
Favorable opinions argue that it is inappropriate to follow the activities without thinking about the situation of uncertainties and obstacles.
Faced with the discussion of bills and the launch of Enem 2020 public notices, entities that protect and represent students raised other discussions.
An example of this is the National Union of Students (UNE), which released a note in favor of postponing the calendar set out in the Enem 2020 public notice. With this, the institution declared the position so that students are not harmed, in view of the obstacles caused by the new coronavirus.
In addition, UNE organized a petition to gather signatures from people also in favor of extending the calendar. The document is available on the platform Postpone Enem.
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