We already know that the was Vargas began shortly after the Revolution of 1930, and its end, in 1945, with the dismissal of Getulio Vargas of the position of President of Brazil.
He spent 15 years in power after managing to end the latte policy that predominated in the Brazilian political scenario during the first years of the Republic.
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The Vargas Era was a period marked by the centralization of power in the figure of Vargas and by the intense transformations that occurred in the country, both social and economic.
This phase was divided into three moments:
Are we going to measure our knowledge about this very important period in the history of our country?
1 — (Unirio/2000) In the house of Blessed Pedro Batista in Santa Brígida, Bahia, D. Pedro II shares a wall space with Getúlio Vargas. This example characterizes a type of idealization of the figure of myths that were sedimented in popular memory.
We can say that Getúlio Vargas enhanced an image of “father of the poor”, largely due to (the):
a) measures of a populist character, attracting the working masses.
b) revolutionary measures introduced with the agrarian reform.
c) economic restrictions imposed on Brazilian industrialists.
d) rigid restrictions imposed on the national and international bourgeoisie.
e) boastful speeches disseminated among Brazilian peasants.
2 — (Mackenzie/2004) Getúlio Vargas was able, in 1937, to inaugurate a new government, known as Estado Novo. About this period, it is correct to state that:
a) was characterized by the exercise of democracy and civil liberties, in repudiation of communist ideas that threatened the nation, given the intention of these revolutionary groups to come to power through a coup.
b) faced with the communist threat, Parliament, State Assemblies, as well as City Councils, began to legislate and intervene in various matters of national politics.
c) there was the imposition of an authoritarian Constitution, influenced by the fascist doctrines that prevailed in some European nations, which represented the beginning of a period of dictatorship.
d) within the new regime, thanks to the subordination of union corporations to the State, which came to control the action of the workers, there was the conquest of labor rights, a result of the good will of the elites business.
e) the international economic situation contributed to the consolidation of the Estado Novo, which, given the crisis that still persisted in the coffee sector, increased its intervening role, seeking to solve the problem of exports national.
3 — (Unesp) After the National Liberation Alliance was declared extinct in 1935, its non-moderate members organized the communist insurrection that was suppressed by the Vargas government. Check the alternative that presents the subsequent political action related to the said insurrection:
a) The anti-imperialist and anti-landlordism proposal contained in the ANL program was completely abandoned.
b) Vargas, to the advantage of his dictatorial plans, exploited the fear of communism.
c) Two months after the Intentona, all political prisoners awaiting trial were released.
d) The anticommunist campaign of the ruling classes contributed to Vargas abandoning his continuous plans.
e) The rebels only surrendered after proclaiming the definitive suspension of payment of the foreign debt.
4 — (Enem/2017) During the Estado Novo, those in charge of propaganda sought to perfect themselves in the art of exciting and involving “crowds” through political messages. In this type of speech, the meaning of the words matters little, because, as Goebbels declared, “we do not speak to say something, but to obtain a certain effect”. CAPELATO, M. H. Political propaganda and control of the media. In: PANDOLFI, D. (Org.). Rethinking the New State. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 1999.
Control over the media was a hallmark of the Estado Novo, being fundamental to political propaganda, as it aimed to:
a) win popular support in legitimizing the new government.
b) increase the involvement of crowds in political decisions.
c) increase the supply of public information to civil society.
d) extend the democratic participation of the media in Brazil.
e) broaden the population's understanding of the intentions of the new government.
5 — (PUC/RS) “Let's make the revolution before the people make it.” The phrase, attributed to the governor of Minas Gerais, Antônio Carlos de Andrada, reveals the political ideology of the 1930 Revolution, promoted by the interests:
a) of the coffee-growing bourgeoisie of São Paulo, with a view to increasing the value of coffee.
b) of the working class, with the aim of deepening industrialization.
c) the fascist right-wing parties, in order to establish a strong state.
d) of the dissident oligarchies, allied with tenentism for State reform.
e) of the industrial bourgeoisie, in search of a policy of free enterprise.
6 — (FGV/2003) On December 21, 1941, Getúlio Vargas received Osvaldo Aranha, his Minister of Foreign Affairs, for a meeting. Read some excerpts from the president's diary: “At night, I received Osvaldo. He told me that the American government would not give us assistance, because it did not trust elements of my government, which I should replace. I replied that I had no reason to distrust my assistants, that the facilities we were giving to Americans did not authorize these suspicions, and that I would not substitute these auxiliaries for impositions Weird." (VARGAS, Getúlio, Diário. São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro, Sicilian/Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1995, vol. II, p. 443.)
About this period, we can say:
a) North American suspicions were completely unfounded because there was no Nazi-fascist sympathizer among the members of the Brazilian government.
b) With his pragmatic policy, Vargas negotiated economic advantages with the American government and kept in his government sympathizers of the Nazi-fascist regimes.
c) Despite the similarities between the Estado Novo and the fascist regimes, Vargas did not allow any kind of diplomatic relationship between Brazil and the Axis countries.
d) At the top of the Vargas government there were a number of sympathizers of the communist regime of the Soviet Union and its leader Joseph Stalin.
e) Pressure from the US government led Vargas to dismiss his Minister of War, General Eurico Gaspar Dutra, an admirer of the Nazi-fascist regimes.
7 — (Enem/2017) In the early years of the Vargas government, workers' organizations under the control of leftist currents tried to oppose their framing by the State, but the attempt failed. In addition to the government, the very base of these organizations pushed for legalization. Several benefits, such as vacations and the possibility of claiming rights before the Conciliation and Judgment Boards, depended on being a member of a union recognized by the government. FAUSTO, b. Concise history of Brazil. Sao Paulo: Edusp; Official State Press, 2002 (adapted).
In the historical context portrayed by the text, the relationship between the government and the trade union movement was characterized:
a) by the recognition of different political ideologies.
b) by a democratically constituted dialogue.
c) for the social benefits of Getulismo.
d) by linking labor rights to the protection of the State
e) by a legislation constructed consensually.
8 — (Espcex 2018) The Estado Novo was a period of the so-called “Era Vargas”, in which the president had the broadest powers. From the alternatives below, point to the one that corresponds to an event that occurred during the Estado Novo.
a) The population of São Paulo triggered the so-called Constitutionalist Revolution.
b) The Ministry of Education and Health was created in November 1930.
c) The Communist Intent broke out.
d) The Government passed the Unionization Law, which defined unions as consultative bodies.
e) Brazil participated in the 2nd World War with the Brazilian Expeditionary Force.
9 — (Enem) The Electoral Justice was created in 1932, as part of a broad reform in the electoral process encouraged by the Revolution of 1930. Its creation was a great institutional advance, guaranteeing that the elections had the endorsement of a body theoretically immune to the influence of the representatives. TAYLOR, M. Electoral justice. In: AVRITZER, L.; ANASTASIA, F. Political reform in Brazil. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2006 (adapted).
In relation to the democratic regime in the country, the analyzed institution had the following role:
a) Implemented the direct vote for president.
b) Combating systematic fraud in the calculations.
c) Changed the rules for candidacies during the dictatorship.
d) Promoted accusations of administrative corruption.
e) Expanded participation with the end of the census criteria.
10 — (Uftm 2012) Among the reasons alleged by Getúlio Vargas to decree the Estado Novo, in November 1937, we can mention:
a) the imminence of the start of the 2nd World War and the need to protect our borders.
b) the workers' strikes, the looting and the depredations that took over the country in the period.
c) the discovery of an alleged communist insurrection, the so-called Cohen Plan.
d) allegations of fraud in the process of choosing his successor, published by the press.
e) the dissatisfaction of the São Paulo elite with the regime, which threatened to separate itself from the rest of the country.
1 – A
2 – W
3 – B
4 – A
5 – D
6 – B
7 – D
8 – AND
9 – B
10 – W
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