Monteiro Lobato once said that “whoever writes a book creates a castle. Whoever reads it lives in it”. And it's good to believe in the words of the one who created some of the most beloved characters in Brazilian literature!
The habit of reading brings a number of benefits to physical and mental health. Reading expands vocabulary and knowledge, and stimulates creativity and imagination. Through books, it is possible to travel and see the world in different ways.
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And, that old excuse that books are expensive or difficult to carry in the day-to-day rush is no longer valid. To prove it, we brought the best sites to download books for free, without complications.
1. university ( http://livros.universia.com.br/)
Promoted by the university cooperation network of the same name, Universia has, at the user's disposal, public domain books, in addition to incorporating authors who wish to distribute their works in a free.
The site brings together more than a thousand files, from classics of universal literature to biographies and scientific articles.
2. Rare Works from USP ( http://www.obrasraras.usp.br/)
The collection made available by the University of São Paulo (USP) offers the user thousands of rare works from past centuries and old newspapers, all from different parts of the world.
It is a true paradise for researchers and his works are published in different languages.
3. Brasiliana Library ( http://www.brasiliana.usp.br/)
It also belongs to USP and digitizes around 4,000 works. They include periodicals, manuscripts and historical collections.
The platform allows access to maps, historical illustrations, as well as ancient documents and even books written in the 18th century! And, the best, the download is done legally!
4. Feedbooks ( http://www.feedbooks.com/)
The French platform provides public domain and original works that were made available by the authors, both free and paid. Just remembering that the titles included are in the English language.
5. open library ( https://openlibrary.org/)
The project already has 1 million titles and intends not to stop there! The mission is to insert all the books ever published worldwide!
Part of the Internet Archive, it offers unlimited access to a variety of digital content including music, books, movies and history. In this way, this entire collection is not lost over time.
The Open Library allows the download of books with and without public domain.
6. Public Domain Portal ( http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/)
Virtual library launched by the Federal Government in 2004, the portal aims to disseminate the classics of world literature. To get an idea, just by the Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa, there are 21 titles for access.
The complete works of Machado de Assis and the translated Divine Comedy are also included in the more than 350 works for free download. In addition, the Public Domain allows the user to access its music collection.
7. Academic Culture ( http://www.culturaacademica.com.br/)
The seal belongs to Editora Unesp, from the São Paulo State University. The catalog brings academic books that deal with different areas. To facilitate, many titles are available in PDF.
8. Open Unesp ( https://unespaberta.ead.unesp.br/)
Also from Unesp, the site offers free educational material. As it was developed for the courses offered by the university, the material is available for consultation in different formats.
9. Project Gutenberg ( http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page)
The first literary digital collection in the world has more than 100,000 digital books in several languages, including Portuguese.
Created in 1971, the project allows the download of works on different platforms. Also, it is part of the Internet Archive.
10. Machado de Assis website ( http://machado.mec.gov.br/)
Fans of the writer have access to his complete work thanks to the website created by the Ministry of Education (MEC). Novels, chronicles, poetry, short stories, reviews, plays and translations are available for reading online in HTML or PDF.
11. House of Jose de Alencar ( http://www.cja.ufc.br)
The Brazilian novelist is represented digitally through a virtual library that concentrates 14 works. Titles include plays and novels that can be downloaded for free.
12. World Digital Library ( http://www.wdl.org/pt/)
The titles include historical documents from the most varied parts of the world. Available for online reading in different languages.
13. E-Books Brazil ( http://ebooksbrasil.org/)
The platform provides electronic books in various formats and, best of all, for free.
14. amazon ( https://www.amazon.com.br/b? node=6311441011)
Obviously, the platform could not be left out! In addition to titles at incredible prices, the site also offers free electronic books.
15. Dear Reader ( http://www.dearreader.com/)
The purpose of the virtual club is as follows: the user registers and, from then on, begins to receive excerpts from books by e-mail. Submissions are daily, including two to three chapters of the works. Cool huh?
16. Read Print ( http://www.readprint.com/)
The virtual bookstore collects a collection of more than eight thousand titles. The works are in English and delight teachers, students and lovers of literary classics.
17. National Library of Portugal ( http://www.bnportugal.pt/)
The site created in the “little land” brings, within its vast content, a site dedicated to José Saramago containing the writer's manuscripts.
18. Blog Media8 ( http://blogmidia8.com/)
The site has more than 200 links to works that deal with communication. It is possible to download titles in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
So, did you like the tips? So, no more excuses and let's read!