In every circle of friends, there is always a magnetic person, with the power to arouse the curiosity of others. And the questions of how to become such a person are frequent. For that, it is enough to know the characteristics of intense people, who know how to interact with others and maintain a high degree of depth in their relationships.
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Let go of the idea that an intense and deep person is someone who is guided only by their own feelings and desires. The deep person we are talking about is responsible for his own life, knows how to talk in a pleasant way and manages to cultivate good friendships.
Including, some of the characteristics of intense people can be confused with behavioral skills, soft skills. This happens because this group of people seeks to become better every day. See the list below.
The main trait of intense people is their authenticity and spontaneity. Intense people try to do what has more to do with their own personality and don't like to invent characters to fit different groups.
Emotional intelligence, also known as managing emotions, is a trait of deep people who manage to manage their feelings and deal with frustrations and failures to get the best out of each circumstance.
In the same way, intense people know how to read the emotions of others and adapt to their communication, according to those present in a given environment.
Putting the other at the center of the conversation, and letting them speak without judgment is one of the skills of deep people. Active listening makes the other feel welcomed, heard and validated.
Deep people know how to enjoy the present moment like no one else and understand that every moment lived can become a treasured memory in the future, even if it's just a quick conversation with a unknown.
In the quest to become better, intense people tend to reflect a lot on their own reality, the world around them and are self-aware. That is, they cultivate self-knowledge as a way of knowing their own flaws, defects, values, and of course, limits.
Alongside active listening, empathy, which is the ability to put oneself in the other's shoes and understand how he feels in certain situation, is also a mark of intense people, who seek to maintain an emotional connection with others to help them in your challenges.