A decree published in the Official Gazette of the Union determined changes in folders of MEC secretariats. Boards of the Secretariat for Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion (Secadi) will be changed. Also the folder has been renamed.
Secadi will be renamed Secretariat of Specialized Modalities of Education (Semesp). The agency takes care of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), continued literacy, indigenous, quilombola, rural and special education.
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Secadi's attributions were distributed to Semesp and to the Secretariat of Basic Education (SEB).
EJA now becomes part of SEB, as the folder takes care of youth and adult education processes. The change was made to facilitate the processes, since the contents and the material to coordinate come from this body.
After the decree, continuing education will be the responsibility of the new Literacy Secretariat (Sealf). One of President Jair Bolsonaro's priorities, when he appointed Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez as minister, was high investment in basic education.
Semesp will coordinate rural, quilombola, indigenous and special education. the folder now takes care of special education, deaf and bilingual boards and specialized modalities in education. The information is from the MEC.