The Minister of Education, Rossieli Soares, announced the restructuring of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) this Thursday morning (28). Among the new requirements is the insertion of the discipline of Human and Natural Sciences in the evaluation of students who conclude Elementary School. The measure takes effect in 2019.
Until then, students reach the end of the 9th year and test their knowledge in Portuguese and Mathematics, in the so-called Prova Brasil. In it, reading and problem solving questions are answered. The objective is to evaluate Brazilian basic education, subsidizing the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb).
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The subsidy is given by combining student performance with approval rates. Last year, Prova Brasil was applied in 5,570 municipalities, covering 6,569,728 students enrolled in 73,684 schools. The edition contemplated students from private and public education systems, however, in the first one, through high school students.
However, the exam, as well as the National Literacy Assessment (Ana), will be replaced by the single name Saeb. Ana, until then, applied to 3rd year students, will be advanced in a series, that is, taught to 2nd year students. This was necessary due to the change in the literacy goal of the National Common Curricular Base.
As of last year, the target changed from eight to seven years old, the age at which students must be enrolled in the 2nd year of elementary school. Ana, in turn, measures performance in the writing, reading and math criteria. In time, the result presented in the last edition of the exam was worrying.
Published in October 2017, Ana pointed out that 55% of eight-year-old students enrolled in the public school system have insufficient reading and math skills. Main points were recognition of geometric figures, monetary value of banknotes, counting objects and reading words with more than one syllable.
With the Saeb changes, early childhood education will also be assessed. In it, the performance measurement will be made by questionnaires applied to administrators and teachers, as well as such as data collection regarding school flow, infrastructure and teacher training in the Census School. Thus, no test will be applied to children.
The Ministry of Education (MEC) clarifies that the assessments will be applied in odd years with dissemination of results in even years. The aim is to cover all Basic Education, allowing the disclosed indicators to complement those prepared from the School Census.
Rossieli Soares, Minister of Education, claims that the changes in Saeb were necessary due to the fact that its matrices were out of date since its last revision, carried out in 2001.